The Arab future in the shadow of the poles conflict?
The global Zionist usurious tyrannical regime is not ashamed of creating a false “collective mind” that calls for their “illusory” model that is blown up “in the media” and promoted through entertainment means such as films, video songs, short comedy series and through the mercenaries of social networking sites. One of the mechanisms of creating illusion and fake propaganda that creates a strange “world” that does not exist except on television screens or on movie discs or in the recently developed Internet platforms that broadcast digital entertainment with their dirty focus on homosexuality and the “degenerate” publication of moral deviations and all What destroys the "concept of the natural human family".
Scholars have long demonstrated that knowledge of international affairs often reflects the political, cultural, and geographic biases of those who produce them. For example, postcolonial studies have revealed that mainstream American approaches are 'narrow-minded' rather than universal, or reflect the intellectual assumptions and political preferences of those who are at the center of the international system"*
Some of these scholars committed to neo-positivist thinking have found that American dominance in this field tends to create “blind spots” in international relations, which negatively affects international relations. Political and cultural biases also influence rating agencies and databases, leading to ratings and recommendations from one side."*
The global Zionist usurious tyrannical regime is a “dictatorship” as a transcontinental global system that only wants to be “imposed” what it wants, and it deceives its peoples by suggesting that their attack on the “rising” Russian-Chinese poles is part of the “patriotism required of these peoples.” !?" It is a deceptive state of "imprisonment" practiced by the global tyrannical regime against their people!?
“International crises and security dilemmas create conditions in which the production of objective and unbiased knowledge becomes more difficult than ever. The pressures of crises have the effect of reducing the intellectual space for discourses of criticism and self-reflection, leaving room only for discourses of superiority and defense. When a crisis evolves into a political and military confrontation Intellectuals are under intense pressure to stand by their governments, and some of them may be seen as traitors if they criticize the policies of their countries.In these circumstances, negative attitudes and stereotypes dominate.States are pressured to present themselves as the ultimate protectors of national interests, and can tend to Engaging in national myth-making, fear-mongering, and strategic cover-ups.*
This global Zionist usurious tyrannical regime plays on the Arab land by destroying, controlling, exploiting and stealing its rich resources and trying to move this party and that party to serve the interests of the Zionist entity and their tools. And in the absence of the true Arab unity required of any nation that wants to manufacture its renaissance, its real security and its realistic development in the line of serving the individual and society for the sake of continuous and continuous civilizational production, a role that the Arabs missed.
We want to discuss the Arab future in light of the polar conflict?
Do we have a role in this game in light of the prevailing Arab disintegration in the region?
What is better than the Arab history in order to proceed from it to create the future, and it is the history that we want to read, not in order to immerse ourselves in it and immerse ourselves in its details. Once again, in order to restore the Arab renaissance in the line of making civilization and creativity, which is the Arab role that was absent from the world.
History is a starting site for reading the present and making the future, as well as for providing lessons away from ideals and imaginary dreams that collide with reality that may create “frustrations” and repeated failures, which may make apostasy from intellectual faith or destroy dreams, and the issue of apostasy becomes more sensitive when it occurs among religious people who may They are surprised by the actions of a party from here, or by the deviation of leaders from there, or by its generalized deprivation there, and its connection with an intelligence service....etc, from the shocks of reality that not only the "Islamists" but the nationalists and Marxists may experience in the past when the principle and thought fall before them and they witness the "deviation" and "the fall".
We have all seen, seen, and lived through the issue of “personal worship” and the sanctification of people among nationalists, especially among the official Arab regimes and the one-party regimes. Granted, here we do not discuss the failure or success of the idea of a one-party system, nor do we promote the idea of “Western” democracy, as the intellectual and analytical debate goes on. In this issue and it requires a separate study, but in our Arab world we have seen how the parties have become “mafias” and gangs of people’s bastards and sites for pairing security and trade, and this is the tragedy of the Arab parties with all their branches and diversity, as the Islamist fell as did the nationalist and the Marxist, if it is true, and Perhaps this is a product that intellectual faith is “superficial” away from the deep faith base, or that this is a product of the “tyranny” of the culture of society over religious, nationalist or Marxist impoverishment, so we find, for example, the mentality of the Bey and the slaves about a “part” of our Arab people in the Lebanese country. Which turned into a worse case of personality cult or the sanctification of leaders to shameful levels of sacrifice, or people killing themselves because their leader did not get a ministerial position!? Unfortunately, these are real stories that happened that reflect a social problem in the reality of one of the most beautiful countries in our Arab world, and it is an unfortunate example that we mention here as an example and not in detail in order to say:
In our Arab world, we have a social force and deeply-founded customs and mentalities in the Arab collective personality. They may have a deeper impact than religious, nationalist, Marxist and modern liberal ideas. Rather, they may cancel them from the reality of movement and application and leave them as empty “slogans” and placards, but the authentic governance is for the inherited beliefs of the community.
The project of political parties and intellectual organizations, I imagine that they have failed in the Arab reality and their role has ended in their previous concept. This issue was raised before me by Professor Salah Omar Al-Ali in more than one media website. What matters is that Professor Salah launched this issue, that he says it from a historical dynamic reality that he personally experienced as one of the most important Arab nationalist figures and one of the leaders of the famous 1968 coup in Iraq at the time, that is, what I want to say, because he was one of the builders of the official Arab system linked to the rule of the ideological party, hence the importance of his reviews and opinions, and Professor Salah Omar Al-Ali says in this regard:
"There is no doubt that ideological parties played an important role throughout the twentieth century and played an awareness-raising role among the peoples of the region, but from an objective perspective, I find that the tremendous developments that the world has witnessed today in various fields of life, especially in the fields of communications, the Internet and social communication, and this open space for all human beings, which made Various knowledge available to all human beings was able to create radical changes in all areas of life, so that many values, concepts and standards began to recede and end, including the phenomenon of ideological parties. As a human being, I felt a great need half a century ago to seek the assistance of such parties to help us provide more culture and knowledge. Today I feel that I am indispensable to her and her old role."
Regarding the experience of the rule of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party in “Iraq”, Professor Salah Omar Al-Ali mentions important points and a valuable historical review in which he stated:
At the beginning of the seventies of the last century, the Baath turned into an executive state apparatus, with no difference between it and any other state executive or security apparatus. It implements the orders and decisions issued by the senior leadership without having the right to express an opinion or object before Or after implementing those orders, which left its devastating impact on the organizational and intellectual building of the party in a radical way, disrupting all work mechanisms stipulated in the internal system, and losing this party, distinguished for the courage and heroism of its members and their high struggle capabilities in defending the interests of their nation and their people against the puppet dictatorial regimes. With his meticulous organizational level, and his flexible openness to the experiences and ideas of others, he lost the spirit of creativity and initiative, and there was no actual value for his periodic conferences stipulated in the rules of procedure, which during their sessions dealt with everything related to the state and the party with criticism and bold and frank assessment, starting from the lowest leaders upwards towards The Regional Conference, the highest authority in the party that is entrusted with the task of setting the strategy for the work of the state and the party for the period between two successive conferences. Democratic election of the different party leaders. Instead, the party conferences turned into occasions to impose more individual power, hegemony, ideological terrorism and intimidation on the party apparatus day after day, in literal application of the Stalinist tendency, and those noble values and principles that had earned the Baath an important role in the arena of national and national action during the fifties and sixties of the century declined. In the past, the phenomenon of extending complete hegemony over the party and taming it for the benefit of the individual arose.
The Baath grew in its early inception on intellectual premises rejecting the worship of the person, the totalitarian thought, and the one-party theory, which was first put forward and adopted in the Arab arena by Adib al-Shishakli, after he was preceded by both communists and fascists, and the efforts of the leaders of this party have been focused since 47 To raise a conscious generation and an open Arab movement that believes in dialogue and openness to the other. The al-Qaeda member was equal in terms of the militant role of the leadership member. It also encouraged the initiatives and intellectual and militant creativity of the Baathists. The efforts of the early founders were dedicated to building this party on democratic socialist foundations. As the Baath approached taking power in the year 63 in Iraq, and with the complexities of the prevailing political situation at the time, it began to appear in a number of its political literature, indicating the beginning of its abandonment of these intellectual premises, instead of working on enriching and developing them and turning them into distinct mainstays of governance.
Instead of taking advantage of the reasons for the failure of the experiences of the 1958 and 1963 revolution in managing state affairs, as well as their failure in managing national relations, and avoiding falling into the mistakes that occurred in the two mentioned revolutions, the Baath leadership that led the revolution of July 17 in 1968 after getting rid of an early number of not insignificant He was one of the staunch fighters committed to the party’s ideology and theoretical premises. The idea of the leading party, the individual leader, and then the leader quickly adopted the necessity in a dangerous retreat from many of the concepts and decisions approved by the party’s national and country conferences and by its leadership in Iraq. Instead of mobilizing and dedicating intellectual capabilities inside and outside the party in order to develop a project of governance in Iraq that would make its experience a role model and a translation of a dream that many Arab militants had in mind, the leadership resorted to Stalinist concepts in the form of the state and how to manage it.
Just as the revisionist line succeeded in comprehensively disrupting the mechanisms of work within the Baath Party, canceling many of its struggle and organizational traditions, and tampering with everything small and large related to this organization, it also achieved amazing success in imposing full control over the various state agencies, and employing them to serve this destructive revisionist tendency, with the help of the army. Jarrar is one of the opportunists and the sick souls of the media and politicians. Every Iraqi citizen has become in their logic a Baathist, even if he does not belong!! This saying that puzzled minds in its interpretation and understanding.
After all the details of life in Iraq were controlled, a heavy media campaign began to promote those slogans and terms that herald the leadership of the individual and his unique genius (the leader of necessity) at the expense of the party’s collective leaders and cadres specialized in various fields, invading the ears and minds of the Baathists before others other Iraqi citizens. In a literal application of the theory of Nazi Information Minister Goebbels, the Iraqi citizen, whether Baathist or non-Baathist, did not see anything but the negative side of the truth, and in the midst of that demagogic media he lost his ability to distinguish between things. In addition to the methods of terrorism and bloody repression that were practiced against him and against those who try to think, just thinking about objecting or criticizing those methods that prevailed and were practiced on a large scale and which claimed the lives of well-known militants, among the most loyal Baathists and loyal to the progressive national values of the party. The loyal Baathists became suffering from a state of frustration and double personality. At a time when they watched the international conspiracy targeting them and their country, and work was underway to develop and mature and provide and mobilize all the requirements for its success, they found themselves deprived of the will and ability to take serious action to ward off what is planned against them, which was imposed. They have to feel the moral and psychological defeat before the catastrophic military defeat.
It is astonishing to find leaders and cadres of the defeat returning to exercise their leadership responsibilities in the party again with the same traditional methods and mentalities that led to the historical catastrophe that claimed the whole of Iraq in the past, present and future, as if nothing had happened, except for some timid references contained in statements or statements. The last one issued by Mr. Izzat al-Douri, which does not live up to the minimum level of what the Baathists aspire to, there is no specialized symposium, or a national or national conference, not even just an expanded meeting in which a number of the party’s cultural cadres participate, dedicated to re-evaluating what happened and trying to build a new strategy that copes and addresses Developments of the complex situation resulting from that defeat suffered by the party. As for those who try to exercise their legitimate right to demand criticism and self-criticism, they will soon be put on the list of those accused of conspiring against the party, just as it was before the occupation, with a significant difference that the current party leaders do not have the authority to carry out death sentences at the hands of its lump-sum guards. On the Internet, they are cells of poisonous wasps ready to sting this and that comrades with ready-made accusations of conspiracy, treason, and collaborating with the occupiers, Iran, or the Green Zone authority in Iraq.
When do you think the lesson will be understood? Is there anything that indicates the possibility of this miracle happening in the near future, or is it that some of the party's various leaderships are no longer able to get rid of the knot of feeling responsible for everything that happened to Iraq and the Iraqis? And that through its insistence on completing its destructive path until the final elimination of the Baath and its progressive national message?
Perhaps the issue of social media and youth movements in various countries of the Arab world has gone beyond the monotony of traditional Arab parties in many stages, and the Arab youth revolutionary movement has become centered around a demand from here and a project from there, and this Arab youth revolutionary movement may be re-formed when Concerns and demands change, so what we want to say is that we are facing a new world and the reality of the Arab parties in which they have no role but to fix the deviations and re-attempts to revive the re-industrialization of failure in terms of focusing on linking the Arab country to this leader or that party.
Professor Salah Omar Al-Ali mentions this issue:
"The revolutions of Tunisia and Arab Egypt confirm a number of important facts. At the forefront of these facts is that our contemporary world has witnessed since the fall of the Soviet Union and the rest of the socialist countries, coinciding with the emergence of the information revolution and the transcontinental media and the beginning of the operation of the Internet, which provided the human being with free information at an extraordinary speed that he did not dream of. Before, his entry into a new era different in many fundamental issues from the era before that, where values, concepts and practices that had prevailed long ago have disappeared or are about to disappear and are no longer viable except on the shelves of libraries or in museum halls. Various values, concepts and practices are about to emerge, which are beginning to make their way very quickly, to settle in the minds of the people of this age and to move their feelings and attitudes towards the requirements of their new lives to replace them.
In the previous era, for example, the organized party work in its traditional forms, practices and commitments, on behalf of or in the name of the masses, performed pioneering, advanced and dangerous tasks in leading the masses in order to achieve their hopes and aspirations towards their major goals before their role ended or was about to end, after they had fulfilled their obligations. Negatively or positively, to be replaced by the voluntary mass action method after those masses did not feel the actual need for someone to undertake the work, plan on their behalf or in their name, or think on their behalf. Political awareness has grown at an accelerating pace thanks to the unlimited services offered by the various media in this field. Accordingly, we find that the masses in various countries of the world took control of their fate directly in their own hands, after dropping from their calculations the possibility of continuing to accept the political parties and movements acting on their behalf.
“Victory over the enemy is achieved when its factors are realized in our souls first. More than sixty years have passed since the catastrophe of the Arabs in Palestine at the hands of the Zionist movement, and we still hear call after call from the Arab rulers of defeat and their heirs in power with the necessity, importance and benefit of silence on dictatorial practices and the suppression of public freedoms and abuses We are not allowed to demand the release of public freedoms for citizens, and we may not demand free elections to choose our rulers or those who represent us in Parliament, and we may not object to the pillaging policies. Theft of public money and it is not permissible for us to demand freedom of the press or political action or the establishment of associations or forums of thought independent of the hegemony and dominance of those rulers, all of this must be postponed for the sake of the battle to liberate Palestine.
The Arab citizen in all the countries of the great homeland endured all these scandals and the continuous attacks on his legitimate rights to life and had long patience for the practices of oppression and humiliation under the same justifications, but he discovered after a while that Palestine was not liberated, but rather the remaining part of it is about to be lost permanently due to the complicity of these rulers And betrayal of some of the current Palestinian leaders. Nevertheless, you will find them reluctance to continue in their weakness and complicity over the rights and interests of the nation, in return for preserving their seats and privileges.
For the sake of their (sacred) goals, there is no harm in continuing to make concessions to the enemies and the greedy ones in our countries, so they colluded in the occupation of Iraq, the abolition of its state, the looting of its wealth, the killing of its children and the destruction of its infrastructure. Retreat, weakness and humiliation for them and the sons of their nation. This tragic picture that the Arabs live in today poses to us an urgent question that can no longer be overlooked or ignored. Are we a defeated nation, or are there logical reasons that planted the factors of defeat in our souls?
Many Arab researchers, writers and analysts have tackled the task of answering this question from various aspects and filled it with research, study and analysis, which makes me feel that any attempt to answer this question will not bring anything new, but I believe that repetition is a benefit to the one who listens and is a martyr.
In the analysis and objective study of the history of peoples, there is no nation of nations that history has judged to be a defeated or necessarily victorious nation. Defeat has objective causes and factors if they are available in the nation, then it will be subject to defeat, and victory has different reasons, when they are available in the nation, it will inevitably win.
Based on this, is it possible to imagine the victory of a nation at a time when we find its children defeated at home and suffering from silence, suppression of public freedoms and fierce repression by state agencies? Is it possible for a nation to achieve victory at a time when the citizen does not have the right to express an opinion on what is happening in the country? Is his country facing dangerous events that affect the interests of the people and their future at a time when we find gangs of ignorant and illiterate people who decide the policy of war and peace without other sons of the country and specialists from them in particular?
If we take the experiences of some peoples that got rid of colonialism and wrested their freedom and rose, advanced and developed in various aspects of life in a period of time no longer than the period that followed our defeat in Palestine and the series of humiliating defeats that followed throughout the Arab world, the last of which was what happened in Iraq, we would find that This would not have been achieved without the availability of factors of victory and progress. This India, that Malaysia, Japan and the giant of Asia, China, and others, are all vivid examples of countries and nations that have had the factors of victory that we can sum up by respecting human will and dignity and preserving their legitimate rights in those countries.
If in any of the Arab countries what the Malaysian leadership provided, for example, to its citizens of constitutional and legal guarantees to preserve the freedom of the citizen, respect for his humanity, ensure equality between citizens and the right of the citizen to elect his representative in Parliament in a free and transparent manner, what was achieved in Malaysia would certainly be achieved in this country. .
When we read the texts of the Arab constitutions and the provisions they contain that emphasize the general rights of citizens and respect their will to express their opinions and other rights, we are surprised. developed countries, but when we observe what is actually happening on the ground, we get confused and despair, so the Egyptian proverb applies to us, which says (I hear your news and I like it, and I see your family amazed!)
With the outbreak of the giant revolution in communications technology and transcontinental media, in the fields of awareness and human culture, and the emergence of the phenomenon of globalization that forced all countries of the world to review and reconsider their different policies in a radical way, and with the resounding fall of the Soviet Union and the system of socialist countries, an atmosphere of optimism prevailed among Arab intellectuals that the winds of change It will inevitably come to the region and will sweep away with it and on its way all that hateful legacy of outdated ideas, concepts and values that have disrupted the effectiveness, creativity and vitality of this Arab nation and stopped its human giving a long time ago and turned it into parasitic creatures that start what others produce.
Although more than two decades have passed since that resounding earthquake, which covered various parts of the globe, except for our Arab region, which remained resistant to any change and to any degree whatsoever, neither our rulers changed nor their ideas changed, and our general conditions at all official and popular levels remained unchanged and without development While we see the world around us developing at an increasing pace in various areas of life and it is open to everything that is useful and beneficial.
And just as our Arab regimes throughout that era that exceeded sixty years practiced the most despicable and base means of repression and terrorism against citizens, in order to disrupt and abolish the factors of victory in their souls, we find these days some of the pens of Iraqi politicians, who are trying to confront with arrogance and outdated terrorist methods For any honorable voice that rises to demand review and objective criticism aimed at restructuring life in this political movement or that of the movements operating in the Iraqi arena, with the same deceptive justifications used by our Arab rulers for decades, no one has the right to criticize, object, or demand change. Or reform and mobilize the factors of creativity and intellectual development that have been disrupted for a long time after the demagogic individual discourse replaced the progressive nationalist thought until after the end of the American occupation, regardless of how long the process of liberating the country from the occupier will take, even if it takes another sixty years as long as we have inspiring leaders God Almighty entrusted them with treasures of thought, rare factors of masculinity and extraordinary heroism.
And what is worse than all of that is that they have appointed great rulers and references from themselves to issue their rulings and fatwas on complex and thorny issues that require the concerted efforts of all sincere people to build and decide clear and bold positions regarding them, not for one person to stand alone to decide what is right or wrong, ignoring the experiences of thousands of fierce fighters. The actual arenas of struggle testify to them, not the arenas of the Internet. What is surprising and questionable is that some of these people had previously attacked one-party and one-opinion systems in the past. Today, we find them at the forefront of those who reject the legitimate claim to critique and review past experiences, with all their strategic and tactical errors that led this nation to disasters and defeats unparalleled in history.
What really raises the question and surprise is that those writers are aware, just as we do, that victory and liberation cannot be achieved by a movement that suffers from a state of internal defeat. They also realize that victory has objective conditions that are no longer available in those movements, which requires every honest Iraqi and Arab citizen not to listen. To the voices of these backward politicians who joined the chorus of Arab rulers who destroyed the aspirations and hopes of our Arab nation for liberation, progress, development and active participation in the paths of human civilization anew by getting rid of all factors of weakness and defeat to replace them with factors of victory over oneself, which is the real entrance to achieving victory over the enemy. "
These lengthy and essential texts by Professor Salah Omar Al-Ali are important because they are cries of pain from the reality of an “experience” and through a “reality” that happened and took place in our Arab reality from a person who was sincere and a believer in the “real” Arab unity, and we mentioned them here because of their importance and vitality in shaping Our Arab future is for those who have not lived that experience, and one of its pillars must be the strengthening of the “state of man” and the institutions serving that latter, and collective work within those institutions, and we as “Arabs” must kill “personal worship and sanctification” by installing a mentality The authoritarian sites are “public functions serving the people” and not “divine holy” sites, and this is one of the ways to activate them is the adoption of the principle of devolution of power and also the dismantling of the networks of influence and calcification that produce corruption financed from outside our Arab environment and which may be exploited by our enemies, headed by the Zionist entity, and this One of the most important problems of democracy in its “Western” concept, and all of this comes with preventing anyone from being in a position of responsibility for more than two consecutive terms without any exception and from the position of the presidency down to the level of heading a department or administration. Perhaps the Arab Renaissance project and the future of the Arabs, especially in light of Polarity conflict and change m The reality of control and power in the world is one of the most important topics that must be discussed at the highest levels. Most Arab countries are currently under the control and dominance of NATO, which represents the interests of the Zionist lobby in the first place. Either the Russian or Chinese project, which will inevitably change the rules of the game and turn the world into a world It is multi-polar, and this will open the way for the Arabs to rapprochement and alliance with civilizations that respect other peoples and do not view us with an inferior view. They also share in principle the preservation of human customs and the values of the “family” and “the family” in their traditional concept and to stay away from the pests of modern neoliberalism adopted by the alliance. NATO, through its soft revolutions, with all that represents sexual perversion, moral and value degeneration, and societal and family dismantling, it is our duty as “Arabs” to move in the line of application and review our alliances, in order to return as “Arabs” to the making of history, and not to be a “margin” writes Other details!
Dr.. Adel Reda
Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Diabetologist
Kuwaiti writer on Arab and Islamic affairs
Excerpts from a joint research paper on Russia and the Atlantic Council Putin's Hybrid War "Andrei Tsygankov, Pavel Tsygankov, Haley Gonzalez"*