الأربعاء، 16 أكتوبر 2024

Gun smoke and conflict facts .... what to do?

Gun Smoke and Conflict Facts... What to do?

Dr. Adel Reda

Kuwaiti writer


Those who said, "Our Lord, God, then you will rise up and come down against them, whether you fear or not, or you will be promised."

Separated 41:30


The late Imam Ruhollah Khomeini said on 20/3/1963 that our Lord is not America and "no" England and "no." Israel, but our Lord is God, so why are we afraid? ! They're not so bad until we fear them! What are they threatening us with? !"


It is clear that the Zionist movement is going through a broad plan that wants to repurpose the Arab victory in the battle of Al-Aqsa in another "different" way. Makes her what she wants from the goals, of course within the recent events and developments came successive strikes against Hezbollah. With the martyrdom of Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and also hit the administrative staff of the intelligence intermediary "Bigrat attack" After the liquidation of the party's founding leadership, the Zionist entity began killing and displacing Lebanese civilians from their villages, as well as the extension of destruction to Beirut, the capital, northern Lebanon and the overall Lebanese national geography. We still have observations from here and there in which criticism and negatives have happened and what we see is a miscalculation of the position here or a wrong decision there, but this is all...  This is not his time, there is no legitimate mandate, and "no." The goal is for the Arabs to win their existential battle against the evil foreign racist Zionist movement that brought strangers to our land.


 There is currently a continuation in the conflict in which Lebanon pays high prices as a "state." With one million and five hundred thousand Lebanese Arab citizens living in the streets without a roof, food, safety or medicine, which represents a great humanitarian disaster paid for by our Arab people there, amid the continued bombing of civilians every night.


Hezbollah Without leadership, but we must know that the resistance fighters, defenders and the party's "special" forces They weren't "person." Martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah or leaders of military administrative decisions if you will, because "Hezbollah" As a military security organization is not a classic party and not traditional in the composition, formations and extensions of popular and functional, it is mainly a secret organization and its composition and ramifications are long, extended and pervasive from here and there and everywhere, and the personalities who have martyred most of them are over 60 years old, and they form the classics of the establishment of Hezbollah organization since the 1980s, but we are talking about a military security organization that is more than forty years old and has social, health, educational and financial service institutions and a cadre of thousands of civil servants. A balanced parliamentary bloc, members of ministers in the government, a military staff of 100,000 trained fighters equipped on demand, a deterrent missile system and a marching weapon.  As said by the martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in previous documented speeches, as mentioned in repeated media reports.


The weapons are present and the military special forces of thousands of elements are present on the ground, mainly such a party organization that is founded on the method of distribution as "parts." Where in the event of the loss of the leader, the military party cells move within the independence of the decision automatically, so the overthrow of southern Lebanon will not be easy and not a picnic, if it is against such a military they are mainly lightning forces and commandos who have a religious doctrine and a goal and are based on divine gratitude, which considers martyrdom in the line of achieving the legitimate goals of the Qur'anic is the greatest victory.


 Within such dramatic developments, my friend Professor Frank Bruce contacted me and discussed what was going on and recorded important points from his conversation with me in his analysis of the ongoing war conflict, which is to highlight the motive that drives the Zionists now and also to know what they want? Where do they want to go? Amid the smoke of the battles, I saw a national duty and a legitimate mandate to try to re-emphasize his vision beyond the game in the current Zionist military action.

" Any reading of what is happening on the Arab battlefield against the Zionist movement and any attempt to know the truth about what will happen in the future in the military and security arena will not be correct and will go to the wrong positions and disastrous conclusions if Jewish beliefs and the main goal of Israel are not known. of expansion, especially what the Zionists call it  " Greater Israel" And wait for the exit of what the Zionists consider "Christ" In their beliefs, where they believe he is the "true Christ." It will happen and an exit will come if Israel extends. Geography to Greater Israel With the structure? ! That would mean "the Exodus of Christ." They have them? ! Muslims and Christians consider this to be the "Anti-Christ."


Where the Jews believe that a Jewish king named the sheikh will appear to them."messiah" In the future, which will restore the Jewish state in the land of Canaan "Palestine" When it appears, the Jewish state will become the world's superpower, where Jews are sovereign.


The lack of awareness of such Jewish gestures and such convictions of the Zionist movement and its absence among the Arabs, therefore, they will not be able to understand how the leaders of the Zionist movement behave and what they want. No matter how their names change and from what movement or party they are, because they believe in the goal but differ in style, they are all Zionists and racists who consider everyone who is not Jewish."goyim" This is for them, the non-Jewish. Possible in "No" If they kill them, steal them, or rape their women, then "no." If a Jew finds an opportunity to steal or harm a non-Jew, he must seize it because it has a "remuneration"! His? ! The Jews believe they are created by light. light"" Other non-Jews are made of dirty clay, so they are God's chosen people and they have the divine right to rule the rest of mankind.


 When we know these facts, then we will be able to understand their movements on the Arab arenas in Lebanon and the rest of the occupied Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Syria.


The Zionists at their military economic security base on the "green part" From the occupied Arab state of Palestine, this movement now feels that it can and within its ability to expand as long as Hezbollah. He lost his leadership represented by Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and the rest of his leadership, because the Zionist movement links the fall of southern Lebanon with the fall of Damascus. Very important in "no." The Zionist movement is limited because it is among their Jewish deceptions that it will be the city where the "true Christ" will descend. They have, which is the Antichrist. For Muslims and Christians, therefore, its overthrow and occupation of Jews is a priority and a Zionist goal. With the fall of southern Lebanon, Damascus will automatically fall into their hands according to their plan.


The other fact is that the United States is a "ring." In the hands of Israel, which is the ruler, control and leader of it. Washington is Tel Aviv. Noting that the actions and movement of the United States of America with NATO in the Ukrainian position is a different subject from what the United States of America behaves and moves with the Zionist entity, as American mobility is also associated with religious beliefs where Anglo-Saxon Christians or Zionist Christians associate Judaism with Christianity. "


Who's all this? What to do? What should Syria, the state, the army, the Baath Party and the people do? What should the Islamic Republic established on the territory of Iran do? What should the rest of the Arabs believe in it and practice it faith, movement, application and implementation, in light of all this existential conflict that wants to kill Arabs... All Arabs.


Allah Almighty says in His Book of the Holy Quran:

You fight in the way of God, you don't care except for your soul. _ _ _ And incite the believers. _ _ erects May Allah help us to stop the despicable of those who disbelieve. _ _ _ And Allah, I will tie a tie and I will tie a tie.

_ Surat Al-Nisa  84


Write on you the fighting, and it is hate for you. _ _ erects And you hate something, and it is good for you. _ _ erects And you love something and it is evil for you. _ And Allah knows, and you do not know.

Surat Al-Baqarah 216


And they fought in the way of Allah, who fight you, and you don't come back. _ _ _ God does not love the aggressors.

Surat Al-Baqarah 190


۞ On the way to Allah, those who do not mention the worldly life life in the world in the other. _ _ _ And who does it in the way of Allah, you will fight or or turn around in the we will turn into a great deal.

Surat al-Nisa 74


Dr. Adel Reda

Consultant internist, endocrinologist and diabetes

Kuwaiti writer in Arab and Islamic affairs

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