الجمعة، 31 مايو 2024

Dialogue of awareness and insight on the national liberation

Dialogue of awareness and insight on the national liberation 

Dr Adel Reda

We have to be humble and say "no." "We know." What may happen at any moment of our current reality, especially as we are in the middle of an Arab military battle against all that is evil in the world, and this is a battle of fate and the presence of its fuel of heroes, mujahideen and loyal activists in the military, security and intelligence battle of leaders and elements moving in defense of all that is Arab after our military victory in the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood.

They have a crucial historical responsibility for the future of the Arabs. All Arabs, especially since this is a battle of "existence." As for the Arabs to win, the Zionists will defeat us and destroy us all from the map of life who are fighting and also those who are withdrawing from the battle, every Arab is threatened to disappear if he does not live the awareness of the battle and the insight in which he discovers who is his enemy and the realization that ignoring the danger does not mean that he will not come to him.

So what happens from the fallout of the battle is "no." We know it and we do not claim that we know it within the data and reality of the combat battle, this matter and this issue has its objective circumstances and the laws of life controlled by the weeping or wishes is not a movement on the ground of reality, but that the divine wisdom has made everything a reason and the trust on the Lord of the worlds the fuel of man to launch to real freedom and independence from the alien alien from us and the enemy and the thief of our internal affairs.

Those who have believed and emigrated and have worked hard in the way of God with their motherhood and their breath I am the most staircase of God's 20.

Repentance 9:20

O you who believe, become, and be patient, and tie, and fear God, so that you may be successful.200.

Al Imran 3:200

You don't obey the infidels and they've had a great effort with him.52

Difference 25:52

And we don't have to eat on God and we have guided us, we've been ? and we're not going to be patient with what you've done, and we've gotten to God's harmed and you've been hurt.

Abraham 14:12

But what we know and what we must repeat here, there and everywhere is that Arabs should realize that they feel "Arabs." They have a nation as others have a "national." This is our privacy and the world is watching us and looking at us as "Arabs." And no one sees us as Lebanese or as Sudanese or as Kuwaitis or Egyptians or Mauritanians or Moroccans, but we are all Arabs, this is how the world looks at us.

That "no" Our solution is to recognize that "self-true." Which is not a choice that we reject or accept, but it is a reality, belonging, history and cultural extension of knowledge associated with this Arab land from the ocean to the Gulf and associated with the Islamic religion as a divine holy religious state that helped the Arabs to move their civilization from an ignorant site to a cultural site maker of creativity.

Arab national unity is the fate and it is what will make us "true independence." And freedom from the slavery and exploitation of foreigners to us and we will be able to expel them from our land and destroy their military base on the land of "Green Palestine." And expel their influence from the rest of our Arab lands so that we Arabs may have our own independent reformist decision, which protects our national benefits and benefits us, not "them." They are the haram aliens who are racist criminals who see themselves as the right to loot us, kill us, interfere in our affairs, our Islamic and Christian religion and what is happening on our Arab lands, and at the same time they reject any whispering or interference in their areas and refuse to get any penny of them out to us, but they have officially become countries without bullying." Shame and "no." Shame as they recently announced the seizure of billion Russian money, wealth of cash money, assets, companies and real estate for Russian individuals and the Russian government in both the United States and Britain? !

What would happen to our Arab money if someone said "no"? "They" They stole a nuclear superpower without fear or shame and flouted all what they call international law and financial assets? We repeat that they did this with the Russians and the great powers, what will they do with the Arabs and their investments? Leave the answer open to who reads? !

In light of the continuation of the events after the Arab military victory over the Zionists in the process of the Al-Aqsa flood, there are multiple readings of the international event that must be highlighted and highlighted, especially that the "Arab" conflict. Existentialism against racist Zionists is a big part of it is the "battle of consciousness" the War of Knowledge and the "Ideas" conflict. Because knowledge makes movement in man and after him society.

In a dialogue session with Dr. Frank Bruce and Mr. Ali Kamal. I have documented a number of points that I want to put for publication because of the importance of a dialogue that is a discussion of knowledge that benefits the Arabs in their battle against the Zionists and against the global tyrant alliance, which I tried as much as possible to create ties and smooth in writing and transfer as much as possible so that it becomes easy to read and serve the purpose.

Dr. Frank Bruce says that the anti-Zionist youth university movement of demonstrations, sit-ins and the movement of professors will not change anything because the extension of the Zionists in the United States is an intertwined and intertwined organic extension and a "dominant" extension. And the Zionists are in control of everything there and all the sources of decision so "no." such an impact as a youth university movement.

Even in the American democratic electoral situation, there are "two parties." Republican, Democratic and both parties "Zionist" And with the Zionist racist movement in heart and heart."

"So "no." "A change on the ground where money, power, control, media, banks, the institution of the presidency, Congress, entertainment and everything is in the hands of the Zionists."

"So the noise of the demonstrations has no effect on the ground, and there is also the issue that most of them have no "their tactical coup thought."" They're under the wing of so-called neoliberalism and these are "noise." "No." They offer a "solution." They don't have a "coup theory." They have no "awareness of "matter backgrounds."

"What weakens the Zionists is a state of American civil war, the separation of the states from each other, the state of global multipolarity with the emergence of the role of Russia, China and the BRICS."

"So within NATO and Zionist plans to continue their control is a matter of "digital slavery." Where automatic digital control of funds is transferred without "Cash" Or a wealth of gold and the real investment economy covers digital deposits, where goods will be exchanged, trade and transfer of bank deposits all digitally and electronically without the presence of something physical sensual that exists except digital control that will be under direct link with the United States of America and Britain, where Arab wealth transferred from our regions to their areas at the push of a button? ! It is an extended to the rest of the world if they consider insurgency, so the issue of the transfer of money, oil money, investments, paper bonds and cybersecurity is the next new and plan that NATO and the Zionists are welcome to ensure the survival of their international polar control.

What Professor Ali Kamal said. The member of the British Communist Party in the dialogue is represented by several points, most notably the following:

" The Iranian attack against the Zionists has important points to emphasize, including that it is a blow from outside the Arab world, although it is not a "deep" technological blow. But it proved there was "capacity." On the war, there is a "huge financial cost." the capitalist system."

Regarding Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Mr. Ali Kamal says:

"He is an American Zionist puppet backed by the Turkish ruling power and the global capitalist system and is certainly an official agent of the CIA, where he is represented as a "person."" The rest of the Turanian regime "served" "Subserved" For example, this is the latest information about the dirty intelligence services that this racist Turanian regime is doing against its citizens fleeing its hell to Europe as "refugees." This system transmits all private information in Turkish citizens fleeing their injustice abroad to European countries, and worse, the ruling racist Turan regime and Erdogan visit special information about these Turkish refugees in Europe to do personal harm to them "double." It increases the tragedy of their asylum."

Regarding the relations of the Turkish Turan regime with the Zionists, Mr. Ali Kamal stressed On the following:

"There is military and commercial security cooperation that increased after the operation of the Al-Aqsa flood, where the supply of goods and goods increased to make up for the shortfall from the exit of the port of "Eilat." As for the work, as well as the supply of military materials and ammunition and all that the Zionists ask the Turkish Turan regime to provide them, that the alliance is the reality of what is happening and happening between Turkey Turan and the Zionists, as the two regimes are racist and they support each other and this is the reality, but what Erdogan and his party in the media is a lie and a monument on the gullible and idiots. "

In the security intelligence area, Mr. Ali Kamal mentioned. Serious information about the services of the Turkish racist Turan regime to the Zionists, where he stated:

"Turkey is moving to strengthen the Azerbaijani-Turkish national situation, within the Iranian geographical situation, in order to strike the "national" situation." Iran to serve the Zionists, and at the same time "empower" The Turan regime of geographical and imperial expansion beyond its internationally recognized borders in the territory of others, and this corresponds to the movement of the former Turan regime in the establishment of military bases in Africa and the Arabian Gulf, as well as with the "soft expansion." With the international Muslim Brotherhood movement, which is also part of NATO's employment since the 1950s, this movement against the libertarian interests of the peoples, where they were used against the Arab nationalist movement, especially Gamal Abdel Nasser's libertarian and independent project.

"So there is a permit from NATO and the Zionists and the release of the hand of the Turkish Turan regime in striking the Iranian Islamic revolutionary situation by strengthening the Azerbaijani-Turkish national situation within the Iranian situation, because according to the reality known by the Americans and the demons of the capitalist regime and the Zionists that the Iranians are united "nationally." When there is an "external risk" The enemy wants to "enslave them," so Turkey as "a servant state of the capitalist system and a job." They were approved to be used as a "virus." To strike the Iranian national situation, if you will."

"Perhaps there are those within the Turkish Turani regime agree on this, especially since the leadership situation within the ruling system in the Islamic Republic is mainly a majority of Azerbaijani, as well as the current leader Mr. Ali Khamenei despite being "Arab nationalism." But he's "Azri." regional affiliation and birth, if you will."

"Also within the permit approved by NATO and the Zionists is to strike Syrian national independence and create a "puppet" Kurdish region." to continue the theft of oil and gas as well as control of the Syrian agricultural area and then "prevent" Re-making strategic balance and "prevent" Re-industrialization of the Syrian Arab Army as a "power factor for Arabs" It also existed between 2005 and 2011, when the Syrian state succeeded in rebuilding the army with the presence of a chemical missile deterrent against Zionist nuclear bombs.

"Therefore, the direct Turkish occupation of the territory of Syria is in addition to a direct British-French-German military occupation with the employment of the NATO successor of takfir groups and criminal groups from Daesh and non-Daesh with the association of the Mossad and the US Central Intelligence Agency and British intelligence in the manufacture and relaunch of such organizations under different and multiple names as needed while ensuring that these criminal takfiri organizations do not attack any Zionist site."

Among other important information said by Professor Ali Kamal. He's currently being replaced by Erdogan. Other people in the Justice Party have the same intelligence link with the CIA in order to ensure continued work on the implementation of NATO and Zionist orders, especially since Erdogan is currently suffering from cancer, according to reports? "

In a historical reading of what is happening in the present says Professor "Ali Kamal" A historical base for the industry of awareness and awareness of the backgrounds of the Turkish issue where it is mentioned:

When I joined what was called "Turkey" NATO after World War II, where the Anatolia peoples were given the "delusion of independence." Under a name that has nothing to do with the multi-national reality of Anatolia, "Turkey." It is an immigrant national from Asia to Anatolia and not from the original Anatolia, and the irony is that the national Turan ruling system is not real Turks but they are from other nationalities and they are intolerant of an Asian nationalism to which they do not belong in the first place? ! .

So with such functional manufacturing of the so-called "Turkey" Religion was excluded from politics and society and an attempt was made to promote and make a Turkish-Turan-Atatürk state, and this also happened to the need of the capitalist system of Anatolian geography as a "barrier." A separation between Europe and the Soviet Union and also the Soviet Union's access to the warm seas, so an Anatolian system was installed, including the racist Turanists and the annexation of the commercial class, the army and security institutions to it, and to ensure the continuation of this situation NATO bases were established on the land of Anatolia and NATO nuclear bomb launchers were set up and we should know that "no." One officially knows how many NATO bases are inside Turkish territory? Since then, the Turkish ruling system has been present and continues to serve the foreigners of NATO and have also been allied with the Zionists since the establishment of Israel. on the land of the State of Palestine."

"We understand why the Turkish military "killed its citizens" The massacres and bloody liquidation against the Alawites as well as the Kurds, who were a social situation incubating Marxist ideas and communist organizations, and beating them by the Turkish army and committing bloody massacres against them came for this reason and the "American order." Hence the Alawite and Kurdish spread outside Anatolia to escape such massacres and liquidations that took place in the 1970s and 1980s.

From such a historical view and before it from a current view of the present took Professor "Ali Kamal" He talks about the application of the so-called "neoliberal" policies, where he says:

"Here we have to remind on the bonded side of the occupation and control of sources and markets and this is "mystical." It is within the racist European mentality, which feels superior to other human beings and other nationalities, and this racist and superiority mentality that wants to steal and deprive other peoples and nationalities is supported by technological control."

So there's a European centralism that sees the world as "barbarians." And savages. He who is European has the right to steal it, exploit it, absorb and control his wealth."

"The Turkey" A functional state on Anatolia that was manufactured on the borders of the European centrality where it acts as a "mermer". It does what this European centralism wants, what it decides for it, and it is also a "valve." Do you control what European immigrants want by quality and number? !"

The application of neoliberal policies to Turkey Make it more slave and under control than transboundary companies, with a billion debt linked with benefits with 53 percent of Turks taking minimum wages as well as Turkey's second worst retirement society after India? "With an escalating inflation situation, this is all leading to growing popular congestion." With no solution to the Turkish living and economic problem.

What if the Turkish government changes with a "new government"? Different from the so-called "Justice and Development Government?" Professor Ali Kamal answers:

" The issue of Turkish elections is "fictitious." It is a worse model than Iran's elections, especially with corruption and the use of the judiciary to retaliate against anyone who is anti-Turan ruling system that serves NATO's Zionist alliance.

And we have to "no." Forget entering the mafia financial gang case for "money laundering" The associated actions, practices and influence of Mavivivi within the Turkish administrative bureaucracy, which has made it worse and more damaging is that Turkey is an "international" transit line. For drugs under the eyes of NATO and its military bases with the Turkish army and internal security? ! Therefore, government corruption, money laundering, the drug transit line and other things have been made of the Turkish mafia or Turkish mafia and organized criminal gangs a large deep network and complex organization with which the Turkish situation worsened and with it became changing "forms of government and its personalities "no." It means something."

Perhaps these are the most important talking points I recorded during my dialogue with Dr. Frank Bruce and Mr. Ali Kamal, which are attempts to create awareness and insight in our Arab reality so that we may contribute to the "Word" In our Arab battle against the Zionists, through the creation of awareness and insight.

You have come with a vision from your Lord, so who I see his breath, and who is about 104.

Cattle 6:104

Dr ADEL Reda 

Endocrinology and diabetes consultant doctor.

Kuwaiti writer in Arab and Islamic affairs

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