السبت، 27 فبراير 2021

Islamic thought challenged in front of a new reality

Al-Mutahhari and Contemporary Society:
 Islamic thought challenged in front of a new reality

 The goal of any "civilization-seeking" society and any "non-backward" society far from contemporary jahiliyya, so to speak, is the existence of a desire related to the creation of individual creativity and societal renaissance and the transmission of vital energy * that serves this goal.
 A society of this kind is mobile and it is based on it being a "knowledge-based society" so that the movement can be harmonious and controlled away from a deviation from here, or a defect from there, or disturbance from there.
 We currently have a global shift that wants to mix cultures in order to eliminate the privacy of others, and as a way to kill any distinction that creates a single independent personality. We want to say:
 There is a desire to mix cultures, not out of natural interaction or automatic convergence, but from the door of "exploitation" and the gate of abolition, and from the entrance to control to benefit, to create a propaganda consumer state that wants to bring down the true self and replace it with a false self serving the "demonic tyrant of capital" freed from  Any ethics and principles that guarantee the human condition *
 Therefore, the true Islamic character is important as a matter of prevention and parity in front of other civilizations that want to "mix" it is not a matter of historically required and spontaneous cognitive integration, but rather a "malicious mixing" to create a civilizational overthrow and defeat of the human self to make a breakthrough for the individual reality in particular and society in general.
 Our guarantee in the face of this attacking reality for us is "education" as a requirement to create a true Islamic character, Quranic knowledge, movement, rationality, conscious, responsible window that seeks to live "them" while the leadership is within the people, and connects its worldly reality with its eschatological future.
 Islam is nothing but a religion that searches for the truth, keen on reality, and “Islam” is a language that means “submission.” This explains the fact that the first condition for being a Muslim is the acceptance of realities and facts, and every color of stubbornness, oppression, blind imitation, bias towards one side and self-worship attacks him  Islam and its religion because it is contrary to the spirit of truth and reality.
 Islam believes that the person who seeks the truth without prejudice or prejudice, and strives to reach it, is excused even if we assume that he has not reached the truth.  He also sees that the person who follows the path of obstinacy and obstinacy has no value for his work, even if we assume that he agreed with the truth through imitation, inheritance and the like.  And a realistic Muslim - man or woman - is that person who searches for the truth and is attached to it wherever he finds it and with any person, and does not show any fanaticism in acquiring knowledge, so he hastens to him even if he is in the farthest place from this world.  And the real Muslim does not consider seeking the truth that is limited to a specific stage of his life, because the greatest example of Muslims has said: “Seeking knowledge is an obligation for every Muslim man and woman.” And he said: “Take wisdom even from an idolater.” He also said: “Wisdom is the believer’s lost property.  People of polytheism "(1) He said:" Seek knowledge even in China. "

 Islam attacks superficial assumptions and dealing with matters from one side, as well as blind imitation of fathers and mothers, and dependence on inherited Sunnahs, because it is against the spirit of submission and seeking the truth that Islam prompts, which necessitates error and distancing itself from the truth. (2)

 The Qur’an denounces those who restrict themselves by imitating their fathers and their followers and not thinking about freeing themselves from this restriction, what is the purpose of the Qur’an from this slander? Its goal is education, meaning that he wants to alert people that the standard and the standard must be what the mind and thinking characterize.  Just the action of the fathers, one day I extracted the verses that talk about following and imitation, and I found them very many, and the thing that caught my attention about them is that there is no prophet who called his people to God except for him with this saying:  And why do you want to distract us from the traditions of our past fathers?  That the people of the prophets were very different in terms of circumstances.  So every prophet would ask his people questions that are consistent with the situation of their lives, and he used to face problems specific to his people, but there were common forms that all the prophets faced, which was the calamity of the tradition of fathers and grandfathers, and as we say today, following the traditions and the prophets on the contrary, they were sharpening the minds  People and advised them to think, or if their fathers did not reason at all and were not guided (4) "(5)

 To be the strong personality within itself through a spirituality that lives the servitude of God Almighty and rejects the slavery of others and proceeds with divine monotheism outside the domain of the individual and into the areas of society and within the local, regional and international political reality.
 "If a person believes in God verbally, and his theoretical and actual monotheism is a true one, and his belief is based on logic, inference and origins, then one of the characteristics of this type of faith is the emergence of unity in a person’s soul. And as the sergeants say that the group or plural is the state of meeting in the soul.  A person, and if polytheism comes out of a person’s mind, then it comes out of his soul as well.
 The expression of this for theoretical monotheism (with regard to the unification of actions that must not be connected together) is the saying of Al-Bari Almighty in the first verse: If there were gods in them except God, they would have spoiled (6)

 If the world had more than one ruler, this system would not control the world and would not consider that as a world, and the world would have perished and corrupted.  And the rule of this system over the world indicates that there is one ruler who controls it.  This is about theoretical unification.
 As for practical monotheism, the second verse says: God set an example in which there are intertwined partners, and a man peace with man
 It is as if Al-Bari, the Almighty, wants to say: O man, if there are gods who control your soul and you have many worshipers, then you will corrupt the same as the world if there is more than one god in it.
 O man, if you are a polytheist in your thinking, then you are a polytheist in your soul, and if you are a polytheist in your soul, then your soul will be cut into parts and you will not be a human at that time, but rather helpless, sick and corrupt.
 I have said that this Qur’anic verse expresses practical monotheism with a special and miraculous explication. Let us consider this parable.  So, the first effect in a person’s life is a psychological effect, a moral influence, and psychological well-being.
 But this psychological integrity, according to the perception of the Holy Quran, is the unity and harmony of the soul.
 God, in the life of man, equals the unity of man’s soul, equals psychological harmony, and the man’s escape from the fragmentation of his soul and the appearance of partners in his spirit.  The roots of morality in Islam lie here.  That is why it was said that everything in Islam stems from monotheism. (7)

 This subjective spirituality will be anomalous or alien to reality if it is not based and institutionalized on a Quranic thought, a link between what is divine and what is mundane, human and material, and they are the vision of our professor, the martyr Mortada Mutahhari in the "fourth dimension," which is what we covered in our book, "Chapter of the Discourse in Istathah."  Al-Shabab "(8), where we mentioned and said the following:

 "Heritage is one of the foundations of a" community mind "that needs a cultural elite movement that believes in a new belief
 "An understanding of the sacred"
  To install
 A renewed community mind
  'Old Society Mind'

 Modernity is a title for the present and heritage is a title for the past. This is one of the defining points for the two terms, but there are also those who say that modernity needs to take advantage of the advantages of heritage to make the required renewal.

 Heritage and modernity is an old, recurring and developing discussion as well as continuing with Arab reality and extending to the Islamic reality in the shadow of an old and renewed question, as well as the starting point of the cry of the question: Why did Muslims fail and why did others present (9) to Emir Shakib Arslan, and this cry that extends from more than a century to this day represents the biggest concern of the movers in  The line of renaissance for the nation and for those who want to make a return to the line of making and perpetuating civilization and leading the world.

 This lost and absent project, which questioned the cry of the Muslim Druze prince Al-Arslan, who represents a question that was moved by the movement of reality, Mr. Jamal al-Din al-Afghani and his students scattered on the spot of the Islamic world, and with him the movements for change and renaissance in Arab and Islamic reality began from the tyrannical revolution that is conditional on the land of Iran  And the revolution of the twentieth in Iraq and the attempts of intelligence-oriented national neighborhoods in Arab geographical locations or launched as a reaction to the failure and fall of the Ottoman imperial project or with the emergence of Turkish nationalism or what is known as the Turanian picnic.
 There are three common and well-known dimensions of the problem of heritage and civilization in our Arab and Islamic reality:

 The first dimension is "after the past":
 There are those who look at modernity and attempts to return to the site of creating a civilized state through the revival of the past !?

 The second dimension is "after enrollment":
 There are those who move in the opposite line by alienating and isolating this past and joining the European Renaissance projects as an example and a model.

 The third dimension is the "compatibility dimension":
 Someone is trying to reconcile the two projects?

 These are the three dimensions that exist in our Arab reality.

 Here we want to talk about the fourth dimension presented by the two professors of the martyr Mortada Mutahhari within his cultural movement with the Islamic reality on the land of Iran.

 Where is this fourth dimension?  Where is the field of movement from which this dimension starts with the topic of heritage and modernity?

 Before all this, let us start as a definition of heritage?  We can say that it is the past that continues in the present !?  This past moves by influencing reality and heritage as well. It is the accumulation of the stages of time in our Arab and Islamic reality, as it is a lumpy accumulation over time and intertwined between the human condition within the reality of experience and the divine influence represented by religion (10).

 From all this definition that we propose and say, let the reader notice that the commonality and link between the overall definition of heritage is "continuity", that is, the existence and existence of heritage in the individual and societal reality, and that may extend to the whole or part of the political system.

 With this definition, we will explain what we call the fourth dimension to recreate the civilized situation with the Arab and Islamic reality, which is what we understand from our martyr Mortada Motahari.

 It is "after the constant and the variable" presented by our martyr Murtaza Mutahhari, our professor.

 The fourth dimension that he introduces by understanding modernity by renewing the “understanding” of the sacred text that is fixed, which is the Holy Qur’an, and creating a “changed” understanding, which is a “unholy” text. Also with this issue we have to add our own vision that we mentioned in my book “Religion Against Religion” (11) “Return  To the basis of understanding a sound and deviant extraction mechanism, it will generate and produce for us multiple concepts and understanding of religion through the diversity of perceptions and mental abilities of extraction. "

 Renewal in understanding is the fixed mentality of our martyr Murtaza Mutahhari, where "time is evolving and each of its stages has its own requirements (12)".
 "In view of the requirements of the age or its demands, the same emergence of new phenomena in this era that results in new demands in it, so we must adapt ourselves to those demands or new phenomena and accept them (13)."

 "One of the characteristics of the Islamic religion is that it focused on the basic and fixed needs, doubled their stability and made the changing needs subordinate to them (14)."
 Where "the constant is in the principles and principles, and the variable is how those principles and principles are implemented and this is what is subject to the developments of the era (15)" and that one of the characteristics of Islam is that it has made of the variables that change in each age related to the constants that do not undergo any change (16).
 And "Islam has constants that it does not attain, no matter how long the evolution of time, and variables that question the conditions of development, although some changes are subordinate rather than constants, so that the reins of matters remains in his hands." And here he means that the leadership of the worldly variable is in the hands of the divine sanctuary (17).

 Our martyr Murtaza Mutahhari proceeds to say about the Holy and Holy Quran, "One of the characteristics of this dear book is that it interprets history in the light of mental reasoning (18)."

 Here our martyr Murtaza Motahari starts moving the mentality of criticism in heritage through knowledge of history and then eliminating illogical interpretations that contradict with mental logic and the approach of Quranic wisdom and through knowing the basis of existence and foundations of knowledge extraction through Islamic authenticity represented by the sacred and sacred constancy of the Holy Qur’an and  Also, the martyr Motahari set out to know the foundations of knowledge extraction through the relationship with the other, and we mean the other here is the West and its knowledge, and here the importance of the role of Mutahhari and his cultural movement on the scene begins, where he set out through understanding that Western other and then understanding the Islamic self with different topics discussed by the martyr  Among them are heritage and modernity in a series of many books and lectures, and all this seeks and aims to establish an authentic Islamic belief from which the individual starts to create an authentic Islamic belief society based on the Qur’anic state away from the deviations of the Western other far from the holy Qur’an.

 So when our martyr professor Murtaza Mutahhari moves modernity through renewal by understanding the sacred text of the Qur’an, which is "the fixed"
 For the industry
  "Understanding is variable," which is not sacred.

 This is the fourth fixed dimension of Motahariya.

  In the other three dimensions (after past, after enrollment, after alignment)
 These three dimensions that we mentioned above took Arab researchers and those who are described as intellectuals, enlighteners, or modernists for decades to discuss and where they moved with the three previous dimensions that we mentioned at the beginning of this research, and these dimensions also moved away from the state of stability and affirmation among these intellectuals / enlighteners / modernists !?  At its best, it entered the site of the meaningless and meaningless controversy that extended to these people since the start of the talk about heritage and modernity after the military defeat of the national Arab renaissance project that Gamal Abdel Nasser led in 1967.

 These modernist Enlightenment intellectuals were overwhelmed !? with useless verbal dialects and without establishing something useful and feasible for Arab reality and without any adoption or commitment from any Arab official system to what they said and say, not to mention the alienation and alienation of these modernist Enlightenment intellectuals !?  On the reality of their people and their discussions written in an incomprehensible Talasimic language that do not lead to a result and without any goal, and filling and filling pages with incomprehensible speech for the manufacture of books and heritage reading projects for commercial sale is the only benefit.

 These modernist enlightenment intellectuals are demanding "people" to read while they present to them an "argument" without a "goal" and in a talismanic language that is difficult for interpretation and understanding. Therefore, these three dimensions in general did not make a change in the concepts of a society that is essentially alienated and distanced from the reality of the Arab intellectual who posed the question of heritage.  And modernity.

 What Murtaza Motahari said, what he discussed, and what was proven by the reality of the individual, society and the political system, move with the practical and applied reality, as he succeeded in transferring this "fourth dimension" to places and sites that, on the other hand, failed Arab modernist enlightenment intellectuals by making them with their Arab individual and society and the official Arab system.

 Morteza Mutahhari comes out from a classic reality to criticize the Western other in deep detail and compare it with the Islamic authenticity that moves with reading the Qur'anic text philosophically and logically and in line with the fundamentals of Arabic grammar and language for a non-Arabic speaking audience.

 This is the fourth dimension of modernity, according to the martyr Motahari. (18)

 Raising a new Islamic reality needs new means of education and cognitive construction within the commitment in the "fourth dimension" of our professor Mortada Mutahhari, to create a Quranic knowledge thought that deals with reality and can interact with it without dropping the true Islamic personality committed in the fourth dimension as well as without this aforementioned foreign personality surviving  About life and what is going on on earth, we want a "personality" who lives on earth and not a "person" moving in the "mirage fog".
 Education needs continuous completion, completion and preparation from the beginning of the human emergence as a child, youth, adulthood, youth and old age. This is all part of the definition of Quranic cognitive education, which was proposed by our martyr Murtaza Mutahhari, who says:
 "Education is intended to build the personality of the human being, for the creed with specific goals and comprehensive decisions, which according to the term has a judicial, economic and political system cannot have a special educational system, that is, the doctrine that seeks to implement special moral, political and economic plans among people, is therefore  You want it for the people, more generally than the goal being the individual or society, and this is something that should be highlighted in this research.
 If the goal is society, then in the end it is necessary to rely on these individuals in implementing these plans in society, and if the goal is the individual, then it is self-evident the importance of educating and educating individuals, and in Islam preserves the authenticity of the individual and society, then there must be a plan and program  To build the individual as a precursor to building society and the nation.
 Building the personality of the individual is necessary on the one hand that the individual himself is a goal of education, and on the one hand it is a prelude to building a good society.  (19)
 Education and the creation of the true Islamic character to create the lofty goal of the Islamic faith, which is justice, and it is the maker of stability for the individual and the guarantor of the protection of society, far from the desires of projection and transformational mixing of the manufacture of non-knowledge consumer societies that emigrate to the Holy Qur'an dynamically and fallen in the service of the demon that tyrannize capital in terms of knowledge or out of gullibility.

 A person who has a complete social doctrine and a correct thought needs an intellectual and philosophical system, “just as he needs faith,” meaning that he needs a cosmic vision, a special logical analysis and an organized reasoning about world issues, and he also needs faith, that is, he possesses the ability to  Creating attachment and love towards higher goals and objectives that transcend private personal goals (20)
 "Islam has revolutionized all human affairs and raised the status of some others. It calls, first of all, for an intellectual revolution (not only in science, but also in thought, that is, the cosmic outlook), and a person must have a correct cosmic outlook.  On the basis of theoretical and practical monotheism and the knowledge and worship of God, other revolutions must be branches, leaves, and fruits of this tree (the revolution in the cosmic view) .According to the Qur’anic view, the blows directed at Islam were directed at its roots, so the roots must remain intact. ”(21)  )

 Dr. Adel Reda

 Endocrinologist, Diabetologist
  Kuwaiti writer on Arab and Islamic affairs.

 Margins and sources:

 1. Artifacts of Minds: Page 198, Commander of the Faithful.
 2. The Universe and Monotheism in the View of God, Mortada Mutahhari, The Prince's House for Culture and Science, Edition
     First, 1993-1413, page 29, page 30.
 3. The Holy Quran, Surat Al-Zukhruf verse 22.
 4- The Holy Quran, Surat Al-Baqara, verse 170.
 5. Education and Teaching in Islam, Mortada Mutahhari, Dar Al-Hadi, 1413-1993, ed
    First, page 9, page 10.
 6- The Holy Quran, Surat Al-Anbiya, verse 22.
 7. God in the Life of Man, Mortada Mutahhari, Dar Al-Hadi, 1413-1993 First Edition,
     Page 18, page 19.
 8. Book on the discourse chapter on awakening youth, Dr. Adel Reda, under printing, 2021.
      9. Why are Muslims late and why others have come forward, House Library of Life.
 10. See the book Religion Against Religion, by Adel Redha, 2000, State of Kuwait.
  11. Ibid, page 65.
 12. Islam and the requirements of the times, Murtaza Mutahhari, Islamic Research Academy
       1413--1992, p. 146.
 13 Ibid, page 172.
 14. Same source, p. 172.
 15. Ibid, page 176.
 16. Same source, page 189.
 17 Same source, page 192.
 18 Same source, page 194.
 19. The book on the separation of discourse in the awakening of youth, Dr. Adel Reda, under printing 2021.
      20. Education and Teaching in Islam, Mortada Mutahhari, Dar Al-Hadi, 1431-1993,
           First edition, page 9, page 10.
 21.  The Social Integration of Man, Mortada Mutahhari, Dar Al-Hadi, 1413-1993, first edition, page 51.
 22. God in the Life of Man, Mortada Mutahhari, Dar Al-Hadi, 1413-1993, first edition, page 62.

Biden administration,the illusion of the Arabs and the reality

Biden administration, the illusion of the Arabs and the  reality

 We, as Arabs, have to live cleverness, awareness, and perception, and to read reality through knowing what is behind the game and by analyzing side relations and studying the leading figures of politics in the world in order to know what is going on and to put a brick or stone for the dimensions of our Arab peoples and our regions on the influence of the evil around us who want to implement what they want.  On us as Arabs.

 We want to know so that we are of the people of Qur’anic acumen and not of the followers of satanic obscenity.

 Strategic analyst Alexander Nazarov says:
 "Elderly people, Joe Biden, represent globalization, financial empires that are" unrelated to geography ", and those who want a global power and are willing to sacrifice any country under their control, even if the United States of America itself is their best asset."

 The new American president, who is a character that was produced within the American ruling system and represents the interests of those who have power and control on the American ground, with all the interests, capabilities, desires, economy, and interest-based intellectual desires that are intertwined and overlapping. This person represents what the ruling system wants that dominates the American political, economic and security reality, and we do not say  The American people and there is a difference to whoever wants to think with his mind if you will.

 The current US President Biden represents a return to the policy of the propaganda mask, behind which the real reality hides, which needs to be "revealed" and knowledge, and also a reading behind the game behind that mask that Trump dropped, the former president, who moved in the American domestic and international reality without this propaganda mask revealing the truth  Policy of the United States of America.

 The current US President Biden, the Zionist affiliation, movement and conviction, as he declared and always declares, who won most of the Jewish votes in the last elections and who likewise on the level of his social life, all of his children are married to Jews !?  We do not forget that his deputy, Camilla Harris, and her Jewish husband are supporters of the Zionist project and she herself is a frequent speaker at their conferences.

 US President Biden is also a supporter of homosexuality and perversion. Let us note his candidacy
  Homosexual, perverted, and homosexual "Bottidge House" for Minister of Transportation !?  Describing him as a "patriotic leader" !? And also the current president chose Rachel Lavigne, a transgender person as assistant to the Minister of Health, and from expectations and speculation that the current President Biden might lead a global campaign to impose homosexuality on an international level transient outside the United States of America, which was being considered that  Homosexuality and ethical deviations hostile to human nature as one of the consequences of the tyrannical global usurious social system and that this homosexuality and moral deviation from any human nature is the product of the spread of usurious materialism in Western societies, and this is what the late sociologist Dr. Abdel Wahab El-Messiri referred to and  This opinion is scientific and is based on an academic, analytical view and reading in sociology, which is the specialty of the late Elmessiri, and this is what has been achieved on the ground of the current living reality in the American reality as one of the main sites of the usurious tyranny in our contemporary world.
 John Mearsheimer, a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, USA, had tried in his book entitled “The Greatest Illusion.”  Liberal dreams and international reality “Clarify the faults of the neoliberal ideas adopted by the United States, especially on the social level, and that they destroy social bonds between individuals and thus disintegrate and tear societies apart, and this is what the United States of America has sought in its foreign policies towards countries.
 Analyst Alexander Nazarov says in this regard as well:
 "The ideal model for a globalized society is a society of fragmentation, in which a person does not possess a nationality, is not linked to a stable social group, nor a clear personal and religious identity, while he enjoys flexibility and the ability to move in all the meaning of the word, whether at the level of geography and even the level of gender change.  Only on that basis, when all differences are erased, can humanity, on a global scale, become a single entity, which can be controlled from one center.
 From here, all efforts exerted to discredit religion, destroy the family, obsessive propaganda of alternative sexual orientations, and spread the pattern of sex change, acquire meaning. "

 In addition to that, the spiritual and spiritual dimension of the equation is absent from Western societies in general and American societies in particular.
 Alexander Nazarov further adds:
 “I think Biden’s victory will be followed by a new crusade against traditional values. For example, the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBT rights movement in the United States of America, has already invited the President-elect, Joe Biden.  - To cancel the accreditation of Christian schools and colleges that refuse to accept homosexuals and transgender people, despite Christians' opposition to these phenomena. I think this point will be implemented, but not immediately, because it will further divide the country, which is already in a cold civil war.
 “However, there is another point, which the new administration will implement, quickly, certainly, and unequivocally, and that is the proposal of the Human Rights Campaign to establish an interagency working group to support the rights of the LGBT community around the world.
 And here begins the most exciting part of the case.  In spite of the Islamic customs and traditions rooted in Arab societies, and despite the apparent conservatism, there are Arab countries that have systematically and directed their peoples subjected to hidden alienation.  American televisions broadcast American films free and abundantly, in English, whose teaching expanded widely, while local media began to praise the United States of America and portray it as the "leader of the democratic world."

 The possibility of the current President Biden launching a global campaign to spread homosexuality and moral deviation from human nature is a direct hit on other religious sites of two billion, such as true Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and Christians, and this includes imposing and declaring a public war on an innate natural human ethics before we say that it is a hereditary religious ethics  Perversion is the perversion of the word “perversion” indicating its downfall. Therefore, it is dealt with and published in propaganda under other names such as homosexuality and linked with human rights !?  Although in reality it is a deviation and anomaly from the hormonal physiological nature of any human being, and it is also a pathological behavioral deviation that has no relationship with the body itself or its natural needs and has no relationship in anything that is natural, but rather is a deviation, anomaly and a departure from human rules  The innate nature and not as it is intended to be portrayed and imposed on the world that is outside the scope of the global usurious dictatorial system through entertainment media in movies and series, as well as linking legal cases where there is institutional pressure to link "criticism of homosexuality and deviance" with criminal criminalization, where it becomes combat.  Such practices violate human instinct a criminal offense !?  Work is also being done on attempts to create an official and institutional presence for deviants from these morally fallen and behavioral deviants, and these possibilities are strong with Biden, the current US president, and he is supported by more than one side, especially with the arrival of homosexuals and behavioral deviants to parliamentary decision-making positions, political institutions, the army, the police, the judiciary, and decision sites affecting the regimes  Different dictatorships around the world, and there is even a major breakthrough in the Christian religion itself in the legal force of marriage!  The religious canon of these deviants who deviate from any natural human nature.

 In the foreign policy of the current President Biden and his administration, it is clear that there is a change in the line of dealing with explosive files in the world, as there are new American moves in Syria by spies and traitors in the organization of the so-called treacherous intelligence "SDF" and the agent of foreigners where military pressure is made against the Syrian Arab Army  In the regions of Qamishli and Hasakah, and these moves began after Biden’s inauguration, and there are expectations of increased tensions there, so there is widespread talk that the main move of the current US President Biden will be against the Syrian Arab Republic, the last bastion of Arab steadfastness against the Zionists more than pressure against the Islamic Republic established on Iranian soil  What Biden and his administrations are pressuring about the issue of missiles to be added to the nuclear agreement that was frozen or suspended by former US President Trump.

 As for the Palestinian issue, I don’t imagine that there will be a change in US policy on the ground. US presidents ’decisions in this regard are made through orders from the Zionist lobby.

 Also recently, there have been signs of movement for a color revolution * against "the Russian Federation". This is a game in the domestic sphere of the Russians, which I do not imagine will pass unnoticed. It is a very dangerous red line that the Biden administration took to play in the masks of freedom of opinion and expression, which is always hiding behind the world tyrannical system  To achieve his control and destructive diabolical agendas.

 * You can review our book "Behind the Curtain" issued in 2017 for more precise details and the role of the soft revolutions in the Arab reality with evidence, analysis and documents.

 Dr..  Adel Rida
 Endocrinologist and diabetic doctor
 Kuwaiti writer on Arab and Islamic affairs

Biden, Putin and the poles conflict

Biden, Putin and the poles conflict

 Reading the international event to discover what is behind the game is not a case of "intellectual luxury" and it is not a topic for entertainment, it is an attempt to create awareness and create knowledge, and from there we go as "Arabs" to know what is going on around us and through that knowledge we have to plan the confrontation and anticipate the event, because we have to be a nation.  And the nation that reads, and the nation the witness, and we as individuals within this nation must know our legitimate responsibilities and our national duties by living the responsibility of leadership according to the ability and positions of power available to each of us.
 So what is happening on the ground in the Arab ocean around us?  what's new?  What is dangerous?
 There is an upcoming change in the American way of dealing with the Russian file, and this is evident with what the Russian researcher Alexander Dugin revealed, "the owner of ties and relations with the Russian Kremlin institution and also with the military establishment there and also he is a strategic researcher and from all this highlights the importance of what he says, especially what  He trusted his book, "The Last War on the World Island, where he mentioned a very important incident that will reveal to us the truth of the current US President Biden's intentions, far from the hidden mask of propaganda and rhetoric made by official Americans propaganda - and it is re-published in the Arab media, intentionally or unintentionally."  Away from the reality of their movement on the ground.
 Dogan says: "During the visit of US Vice President Joe Biden to Moscow in the spring of 2011, he tried to interfere in Russian internal affairs when he demanded that Russian President Putin not run for a second term, warning him of a" color revolution "similar to what happened in the Arab world in 2011.

 This documented old talk is a revealing of what is happening now with the beginning of the current inauguration of Joe Biden as the current president of the United States of America, where there is a movement of arms associated with the CIA, and this employment movement was not activated until after Biden's presidential inauguration, which is an "urgent" "" urgent "" activation.  And "fast" in the first week within the American presidential position, and this is clearly related to what he said in the year 2011, which is a documented, written and published saying in which there is a deep desire to overthrow the Russian political system by the method of soft revolutions that began to be used in Georgia with success and was done  It was thwarted later in the Islamic Republic established on the land of Iran in 2009, and it was also overthrown in the Lebanese Republic 2007, and these are the same mechanisms that went out of control and were struck in other locations in Ukraine and within our Arab surroundings in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia and Bahrain until they were re-launched in the Syrian Arab Republic  And now these mechanisms are being reactivated against Russia, "the state and the political system," and anyone who wants other documented details can review our book "Behind the Sight" issued in 2017.
 In this atmosphere that is being heated up inside Russia against the state and the political system there, and I do not say "against Putin's person as president," the strategic analyst Iskander Nazarov says in this regard:
 The United States of America is gradually plunging into a devastating crisis for which there is no safe exit. It is clear that the crisis is deteriorating and will end sooner or later with the collapse of the economy and the civil war in the United States of America. Washington has only 5-10 years left, maximum, before China is solved.  "Its place as the largest economy in the world, followed by the collapse of the United States. Under these circumstances, it seems that the ruling deep state of the United States of America decided not to fight on two fronts simultaneously, and to liquidate Russia first before confronting China."
 On the extent to which these coup mechanisms can succeed in the Russian reality, Nazarov adds the following:
 Will the CIA succeed in igniting a color revolution in Russia?
 When talking about the Russian internal situation, most moderate Russian analysts say that Russia is based on a "social contract" between citizens and the political elite that represents the ruling authority, whatever this power and the political forces it belongs to, in exchange for ensuring stability and security for ordinary citizens, and stable growth of the people's well-being.  The Russian Federation, including its poorest class, even if that growth was modest.
 Vladimir Putin has succeeded in this task so far, taking into account the recent Corona pandemic crisis, and the increasing global economic crisis, which led to a drop in the country's GDP by a remarkable percentage, but most Russian citizens see with their own eyes how Russia has managed to overcome this  The crisis is more successful than the USA and Western Europe.

 “The West, apparently on its way to collapse, desires to destroy Russia. But Putin is a seasoned politician, and I hope the authority will have the wisdom to find a balance between restraint and reasonable toughness. I think that attempts to destabilize Russia will not be successful.”

 Note that President Putin seems to be working on a project to restore Russia as a superpower and change the world from a unipolar policy led by the United States of America to a multi-polar world that places Russia and China as poles competing with America. All of Putin's "defensive" moves on the Russian interest from the second war in Chechnya in 1999 to annexation  Crimea 2014 indicates that Russia will not stand and watch any threat to its regional environment and NATO.
 Where are we as "Arabs" from such developments?  And work?  How do we act?  What are our interests?  What do we want?  What is the impact on us?
 In our Arab reality, which lacks a plan to deal with the imperial conflicts around us, what do we have to deal with the others around us?  The answer is nothing but waiting for the results of the struggles of others, who all view us from the periphery to the Gulf as "Arabs" and as "one nation", but we Arabs look at ourselves according to the divisions of the old British-French-Russian-Bolshevik agreement known as Says-Picot !?  And we expect from the Turkish Turanians with an Islamic slogan the solution or waiting for the benefit of Iranian nationalism with an Islamic slogan deviated from the line of Imam Khomeini and his ideas ?!  The worst of all this and that is the Arabs who laid their eggs with our Zionist enemies expecting from them victory, and they are the ones who want to destroy and humiliate all Arab reality and are not a site of victory, security, safety, or trust. These Zionists are our enemies and our struggle with them is my existence. We are as "Arabs" or they "as  "Zionists" and there is no third way. As for the Americans and the group of NATO countries that fall under the influence of the Zionist lobby, these have proven history and the present, and as the future will prove that they are reformers that only benefit them, not charities that offer us security and real development.

 As "Arabs", we must first admit that we are "Arabs !?"  And that we have unity, coordination, cooperation, solidarity and exit from the plans of others to present our plans and projects that serve us as "Arabs" just as all regional and continental imperial projects serve their nationalities, and this is the reality of the international and the nature of conflicts in it and other than this talk is a departure from reality to the world of dreams where illusion, mirage and loss  In the wandering desert.
 We have to know that sitting at the same table with NATO members, with the Zionists, with the Turkish Turans, or with Iranian nationalists will not make us superpowers or influential people, but we will be sitting at a table !?  While others .... all others have decision, control, and positions of power.
 Arab reconciliation is a "demand" and Arab unity is an inevitable "destiny", because those around us regionally are "nationalists" in their movement and reformists in their goals, and they only care about our official and popular Arab reality with what benefits their other nationalities that contradict our Arab nationalism and our reality.
 And between the demand for reconciliation and the destiny of unity, the initial coordination remains the weakest of faith, if you will, and everything that is a movement on the ground started from an idea and around it, convictions gather, and then the idea heads to the line of implementation.
 In the recent Gulf reconciliation, we have the example and the practical reality that we all lived, and we also had the inauguration of the embassies of the Sultanate of Oman and the United Arab Emirates inside the Syrian Arab Republic, another close present that we lived through.
 Strangers will not care about us as "Arabs" except in the amount of their interests and in the manner of their countries 'projects, and we will be a victim of others' projects if side Arab conflicts continue, which will not benefit anyone except in the continuing fall of our entire reality in the bosom of the projects of strangers around us.
 The challenges surrounding the Arab reality are great as well as dangerous amid conflicts of regional powers that want to dominate and powers greater than them that want to impose their projects and there are those who want to continue their successes in penetrating the Arab reality that it brought about from here and there.
 What do we have as Arabs, except unity and coordination between us on the official side, we talk, as well as strengthening popular work linked to opening the cultural, economic and transportation fields, which are participations that benefit everyone and benefit all Arabs, and the Arab official system can start from them as popular and interest participants that are like someone who breaks the deadlock of relations and the partisans of previous conflicts or dissonance  From the official handling of a situation that occurred from here, or a political decision from there, or anger at a certain behavior from there.

 Dr. Adel Reda
 Endocrinologist and diabetic doctor
 Kuwaiti writer on Arab and Islamic affairs

American struggles the fall of the model?

 American struggles the fall of the model?

 The Corona epidemic crisis has revealed every illusion associated with the entire US-based tyrannical usurious system launched into the world through media propaganda, the power of publishing and distribution, the magnitude of the ideal image of the usurious tyrannical society through films, series, programs, and the creation of entertainment personalities linked with the bubble of illusion about an imaginary world that anyone who lives can watch  Outside this tyrannical, usurious world where everything is beautiful and wonderful at the level of movies and series and everything is arranged and has a happy and rosy ending, and this parallels what was happening and continued to happen in the systems of "personality cult" that were formed under the regimes of the one-party rule and the model  The Arab is one of its clear examples, as are the Marxist regimes and the Soviet model, and its successors.
 It is a fictitious image of a society that does not exist except in films and fake propaganda that promote open sex, sensual pleasure, continuous consumption, and models for the image of the cover girl or the image of the hero "the man", the idol of all women on earth!  And for health and economic systems, everyone lives in them enjoying everything he wants as long as he believes in this fake propaganda image.
 All this was dropped and exploded, and its falsehood and fall was exposed in front of the Corona epidemic, as the tyrannical usurious health system collapsed and more than thirty million Americans became on food cards and Great Britain officially requested from its citizens stranded abroad to beg and sharpen and not to review the British embassies when needed, and we saw and as  Watch the world ... the whole world is a toilet paper war in societies whose regimes are linked to usury and financial juggernaut.
 What is happening currently within the American domestic political reality within the battle of the explosion of illusion bubbles propaganda for one of the largest sites of the global oppressive usurious system?
 The Zionist lobby has dominated US politics and power centers since the Kennedy assassination, and the control is almost total since the late 1960s and is not new. The Zionist entity is operating through a pragmatic project, according to the facts on the scene.
  The Zionist entity seized the opportunity with the collapse of the "state" of Iraq, the departure of Egypt from its Arab role, the internal preoccupation of Syria, the success of the intelligence plots against it, and the presence of acceptance of this satanic colonial entity from some other Arab countries.
 Inside the United States of America, the calculation is governed within the system of government and control, which reproduces figures and presidents who serve the same system and re-practice the same policies, which, no matter how the president changes, they all move in the service of the Zionist project if it is Obama, Biden, Bush, Clinton or any president  Another will serve the same project because the goal is the same, but the method differs. For example, Barack Obama, for example, increased the military aid to the entity to $ 3.8 billion annually in the year 2016, and the American people do not have a real health system, and more than 33 million do not even have health insurance, while the Zionists  Within the entity established on the land of the occupied Arab state of Palestine, they enjoy a governmental health system that is considered one of the best in the world.
 What is the current reading of the Zionist lobby according to the analytical reading, information and view of the US presidency website?
 The Zionist lobby fears Trump and his family and some of his supporters’s association with Nazism, as well as their relationship with the racist Ku Klux Klan. In general, Trump and his family have some religious tendencies against abortion from a religious perspective, and Donald Trump is not completely under the control of the Zionist lobby, as the Zionist lobby is forced to use the stick method  And a carrot with him!  - And there is a Zionist fear that if Trump becomes president for a second term, he will be out of control because he cannot become president for a third term after that, so he will have nothing to lose and at that time the true personality of him will emerge with all the tendencies associated with Nazi ideas or his beliefs about what the Ku Klux Klan says?
 Also, the person of the outgoing President Trump is seen as a reckless figure outside of expectation, and there is mistrust of his actions, and he is as a person who is classified outside the "traditional American system of government" that produces his politicians and his presidents who follow the same approach that the "traditional system of government" differently wants.  The methods between them, but the goal is the same if you will, so because the currently elected President Biden is within the traditional establishment, it represents a state of continuous stability for what the traditional ruling system wants and what the dominant and capable Zionist lobby wants in the United States of America.
  We also have to say that the Zionist lobby prefers Biden because of the presence of his deputy, Harris, because there is a Zionist perception that Biden will not complete his term and his deputy, Harris (black skinned married to a Jew) will rule after him.
 Now after the storming of the US Congress by followers of Trump, what will happen in the United States of America must be read from the perspective that the institutional system there is no longer able to express people and does not move what they want with all their problems, contradictions, desires, dreams, complexes, and also their differences, and it is clear to us now.  The American ruling system reproduces whoever wants and who is associated with it, meaning that there are pre-arranged elections, and also it is "the rule of one unannounced party" because the traditional ruling system is one and their differences are not on the representation of the ruling system, but on the personalities "of those produced by that system, paradoxically.  The institutions affiliated with the Islamic Republic, after the death of Imam Ruhollah Khomeini, took the same direction in terms of creating pre-arranged elections within existing legal constitutional institutions. In the United States of America, who wins is controlled by redistricting electoral districts, complicating and lengthening the voting process, and introducing processes  Mathematical and statistical complications to arrange the victory of whomever the ruling system wants. In the Islamic Republic, a mechanism for excluding or filtering candidates is used, which was originally established to prevent any elements used.  Baratism is associated with the outside world for candidacy and the use of filtering to exclude critical Islamists or who differ from other "calcified" Islamists within the institutions of the Islamic Republic.

 So, on the theoretical level, we have the question of what kind of government system is appropriate to rule peoples with all these contradictions and problems exploding and the bubble of illusion propaganda of the usurious tyrant exposed with all the lies and rosy images that we see in films and media, but in reality the issue is different and contradictory.
 And with the previous collapse of the one-party ruling system, with all its problems and breakdowns?  Where is the appropriate system of government with which all these matters are canceled?  Although there are advantages to the one-party rule in China and North Korea and the advantages of the welfare state for the citizen in Syria before the events of 2011, the current Russian reality needs another discussion and dialogue and requires a separate in-depth study and discussion.
 Of course, we repeat that this talk is theoretical and a requirement for a cultural dialogue, but the concrete reality is still continuing at the same pace of the existing political and economic systems in various parts of the globe, but the post-Corona world is not the same as before Corona, and this matter we were the first to mention and stress at the beginning of this  The epidemic.

 Dr. Adel Reda
 Endocrinologist and diabetic doctor
 Kuwaiti writer on Islamic and Arab affairs

The fallen empire and the next poles

The fallen empire and the next poles

 There is a struggle for a system of values ​​in the global reality on the global level that crosses continents, but it is distinguished as evidence of an "upcoming imperial transition" from a single polar American reality that "was in control" to a multi-polar reality that "will control" and this is among the beginnings of the emergence of signs of failure of the institutions of governance  The American government is concerned with resolving internal disputes there and these institutions established from the union of more than fifty "state" settlements within an old constitutional agreement, over which more than two hundred years (200 years) have passed, and it has become clear that this "old constitutional" agreement and that system has become outside. "  The capacity of the service "to achieve what the" people "want, who do not belong to the" system of government and control, "which turned out to be separate from the reality and needs of" the people. "Therefore, the attempts to resolve the contradictions have moved to the street outside the institutional framework if you will.

 The storming of the US Congress is only an indication that there is a "system crisis" that has become outside the scope of the presently living present and is unable to express what the people want. From the other side, we have seen the demonstrations sweeping most of the American cities of people of African origin because of their sense of racism and persecution, although it is still expressing  What the "ruling and control system" wants, with all its ramifications, overlaps, links and interests, this "ruling system" is an "undeclared dictatorship" on its way to erupting as an "internal civil war" and war here is another term for reaching a new agreement or a new way to solve the "contradictions."  And transferring the desire of "people" to the reality of implementation "away from" undeclared dictatorship. "
 So, the American imperial system, on its way to a "self-detonation fuse," will drop all its external tails from regimes, entities and what is functionally related to it outside its borders and across continents.
 And this talk is important, not that it is a wishful view of a writer from here, or a political reading of an analyst from there, or Arab nationalist, Marxist or Islamic writings from there !?  So all this talk about "the fall of the American empire" is repeated forty years ago and repeated annually?  It did not happen, but on the contrary, we saw the fall of the Soviet Union and its collapse ?!  In contrast to what was expected and from what was written and published from here, there and there.
 Let us remember the famous speech of Russian President Putin at the Munich Security Conference in 2007, in which it was the first verbal confrontation between Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union and the NATO led by America, where he said that the unipolar world led by America is unacceptable and impossible to continue in our world. He also added that at the end  The termination and the existence of a single master of the world will harm not only those who stay inside this system, but the entire system. "On the American military hegemony, Putin commented that it will bring the whole world to the abyss through eternal conflicts and in the same speech, which is considered a road map for Russian foreign policy that Putin challenged  The United States of America “The unipolar world that was proposed after the Cold War will not happen,” in a clear indication that Russia and others will not stand by and watch American hegemony.

 So what's new since that speech?  What is different?
 What is new is that the "coming collapse" is real and will happen. It is also expected within the vision of "emerging" empires. This is what Chinese foreign policy has read and what it expects and what the "Russian Federation" is also working on and what it has studied in its research think tanks, and the same vision exists in the established Islamic Republic  On the land of Iran, this was stated by the Guide of the Islamic Revolution, Mr. Ali Khamenei, who said: The era after the United States of America has begun.
 And this last statement is important because the Islamic Republic established on the land of Iran in its international movement also depends on institutional thinking and planning centers, and here we see the convergence of Russian, Chinese and Islamic institutions of thinking and planning on the same final product and the same final outcome, which is the fall of America's empire, which is the leader of the global tyrannical regime.
 So what you want to say and emphasize:
 Reading the coming downfall of the American empire as a political system and a model that wants civilized control is now reading "states" and government studies, which are readings and studies that are consistent and logical with what is happening on the current ground.
 Of course, it is worth emphasizing that the ages of states are not measured like the age of human beings. The turn of change and the path to fall is equivalent to ten years of the life of a "year" of the life of the individual, so the time year in the life of the state is ten years in the life time of the individual, so urgent emotional thinking  Emotional and irritant does not work with crisis management, nor with the leadership of the state, nor with those who want to create future empires for sovereignty over the reality of the globe.
 Within this reading of an upcoming fall that has accelerated now with the Corona epidemic crisis and the exposure of the liberal failure of the social, health and living system of the tyrannical, usurious and global Zionist system comes the struggle of the Russian-Chinese-American poles, and here we will focus on a Russian-American conflict, which begins with "American harassment."
 Russian researcher Alexander Nazarov says in this regard:
 “It is clear to everyone in the world that the United States of America is diving deeper and deeper into deadly crises for itself, and in order to delay the moment of collapse, it needs to destroy its main competitors: Russia and China. Everyone can see the war of destruction led by the West against Russia, because it was the first to challenge Washington.  And everyone knows about sanctions. It is a war in which all means are inviolable, and the information war that aims to destabilize the enemy's internal stability is still the main battlefield. "
  By reusing the West, led by the United States of America, of the concepts of "freedom, democracy and human rights !?"  Within a "fake" Russian opposition that has no real extension and without the presence of a mass base on the ground by employing media-inflated figures outside Russia that are larger than their real reality inside the territory of the Russian Federation, which is a fictitious opposition without a project except the launch of the external propaganda within the term "freedom, democracy and rights."  Human!?"  The newcomer with such moves is the creation of imaginary opposition figures outside the scope of innate, natural human moral controls.
 Propaganda The liberal media affiliated with the tyrannical global usurious system focuses on the gatherings of thousands of Russians in a country of "more than one hundred and forty million people" and the attempt to create a media image for the manufacture of passionate enthusiastic propaganda that is used to stir color revolutions, so let those who want to think with their minds notice  The demonstrations of the storming of the US Congress are larger in numbers, as are the demonstrations in support of the blacks, but they are demonstrations lacking the propaganda direction directed at them. The same is the case in France’s appearances of the zero jackets and the demonstrations in Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark against the closure in the time of the Corona. All are demonstrations of greater number and size, but the propaganda camera  Absent and there is no movement for color revolutions.

 Of course, the expression "freedom, democracy, and human rights !?"  They are being used propaganda in the Western liberal media that is linked in funding with the intelligence services of the governments of the global patriarchal regime that issues directives and orders to such media that call for "freedom, democracy and human rights !?"  As propagandistic vocalizations, but what the global patriarchal tyrannical regime and its governments want is to spread the "Western tyrannical value system," which is, in fact, without values. It has now reached a stage of total rejection, disgust and deep moral fall, especially with regard to the spread of homosexuality, behavioral deviations and rejection of the religious and ethnic identity that is linked with  "Western tyrannical values ​​system" by spreading liberal thought, which is unacceptable in Chinese or Russian societies and the latter and I mean Russian societies are still spiritually and dynamically linked with the Orthodox Church within the Russian reality.
 There is an "illusion" present in the "tyrannical global usurious system" that there is a "popularity" for their model !?  There is an absence of "realization" for them that there are other cultural models in the world and on the globe, and these models have history, depth, ideas and religious legacies.
 In his book "Putin Facing Putin", Alexander Duggan says:
 "We must note and be aware that the words 'liberalism' and 'capitalism' are rarely used in contemporary Russian politics."
 "If the Russians discover the true meaning of liberalism as it is promoted in the theories of Ferdik Hayek or Ian Rand, then the Russians will lose their minds after discovering that liberalism opposes the concept of the state, the nation, the church, the orthodox faith, and the collective, and in the end result, democracy itself."
 "Liberalism is a Western product, so it is not acceptable to the Russians."
 Michael McFaul, former US ambassador to Moscow, says in an article for Foreign Affairs:
 “Putin criticizes the United States for supporting the so-called colored revolutions, whether in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, or the Middle East during the Arab Spring. In order to counter what he described as the Western liberal decadence, Putin publishes his own definition of Christianity and conservative family values ​​that he asserts are central to Russian identity and conservative movements  Although Putin is less demagogic than other populists, he embraces part of their discourse and approach, dividing all societies, including Russian society, into a "real" people and exploiting elite, not to mention that Putin himself is deeply associated with the ruling Russian economic elite.
 "Putin is a much more innovative reformist leader than his Chinese counterpart, as he sees that he is at war with the United States, its allies, and the multilateral institutions that Washington has launched. Putin no longer wants cooperation with the West or even wants an appreciated position in the global liberal order,"  Instead, it seeks to destroy this US-led system. "
  The Arab reality will be affected and changed with the new imperial transition after the American fall, and the Russian reality will be influential. The Chinese empire will be a factor for "revolutionary political change," especially as it relies on quadruple pillars that include Turkey (the weakest link in NATO), the southern region of the United Arab Republic "Egypt" and Pakistan  And the Islamic Republic established on the land of Iran.
 How will the Arabs face this political change coup that will be produced as a product of the Chinese imperial rise?  Russia's return to its normal position?  Will countries disappear and others will be created?  Will countries unite and others will be divided?
 I don't know
 But what I know is that the racist colonial cancerous entity that exists on the land of the occupied state of Palestine will end with the end of the American empire. This Zionist entity is not a civilized state that has a relationship in the Arab region or its geography, and it is a temporary existence that will end with such an imperial rise of China or Russia.

 Dr..  Adel Rida
 Endocrinologist and diabetic doctor
 Kuwaiti writer on Arab and Islamic affairs

الجمعة، 26 فبراير 2021

mMyanmar...the first stop in poles struggle

Myanmar ... the first stop in the poles struggle

 There is nothing in politics that happens by chance, and the military coup that occurred in Myanmar is impossible to have happened without prior preparation, especially since there was a change in the US presidency nearly a month ago and the coup that occurred in Myanmar could not be sudden without prior preparation, so moves  Such as these should be studied, analyzed and evaluated to find out what is going on?  What is behind the game?  And between the lines?  From erased words!
 Myanmar is a country located within the vicinity of China, and the current President-elect Biden moved hastily and remarkably quickly at the beginning of his rule to pay attention to this country !?  Within a struggle wanted by the "American ruling system" and Biden, the current president is "the obedient son to it" and he is a representative, product of it and expressing what that system wants, in contrast to former President Trump, who imposed himself on the classic American system of government, and who looked at dealing  With China from two angles: the first is purely economic, and the other angle is within his emotional propaganda speech, which is looking for a peg for an enemy who creates problems or a cause to be blamed, but from this angle and that, the issue with Trump is that he does not want to be a "world policeman."  Trump was in the position of the "American national personality" if you can express its flaws and advantages from a purely American perspective, and he wanted to focus on the decaying and disintegrating American interior, and we can say that Trump faced China economically, but he was against American expansion !?  He is interested in the American interior and has not entered into any long "continuous" war. Likewise, during his presidential term, things were abnormal because his arrival to the presidential position was the product of popular rejection and public anger against the "American system of government" and Trump, as we mentioned above, is outside the classics of what the ruling system produces from presidents  Politicians, the Zionist lobby controls the two parties and will put the interest of the Zionist entity first of all, and after Trump's departure from power it became clear that there is a return to what the ruling system wants and that takes the American empire to collapse !?

 A "military coup" took place in Myanmar at the beginning of the current President Biden assuming his presidential post. Let us note the usual outburst of international condemnations from NATO and the threat of international, European, North American and Australian sanctions !?  Against the leaders of the coup and calls for an international embargo, and the same countries that are within the line of the global dictatorial and usurious system are the same ones who are silent on killing other democracies in different locations in the world in the near present and they are the ones who allowed a military coup here and there to continue in power and  It provided them with international recognition and economic aid and moved away from sanctions or punishing the personalities of these various coups, and it is the same "group" of countries led by the United States of America that made military coups in Iran in 1953 against the democratic rule of Mosaddegh and conspired against the democratic rule of Salvador Allende.  The same "group" of countries that supported the dictator of Spain, "Franco", the second largest mass grave in human history, followed by "Saddam Hussein", who was supported in the eighties by Britain and the United States of America to hit two birds with one stone, the first is to hit the Arab national peoples and the second is the Republic  The Islamic State established on the soil of Iran, until "Saddam Hussein" disagreed with them and the lie of "weapons of mass destruction" came as an excuse to invade and destroy Iraq as a state and society, and this is what happened and was achieved.
 This "gang" of states in the line of the global dictatorial and usurious system is not the issue for it, whether it is a lost democracy, negative human rights, or a romantic struggle for freedom !?
 These "wolves" do not run in vain for no reason, nor do they call for freedom and democracy, except because there is something behind the lines, and because there are things behind the long weeds of things, events and goals that serve this tyrannical global usurious system and the "shell" of its states.
 The dismissed Prime Minister of Myanmar, "Aung San Shi", who was removed from positions of power by the Myanmar army, is a figure who has a long relationship with the "liberal" West, and she is considered from this West
  As a "human rights icon" !?  She is the same who supported the mass slaughter of the Rohingya Muslims and their expulsion from Myanmar, and she is the same one who supported the actions of the Myanmar security services, the practices of mass murder, sexual rape of women, customary cleansing and killing based on religious identity, and practices of torture and extrajudicial killings, and this was also done during the era of her assumption of responsibility  Political.

 Dismissal Prime Minister Aung San Shi, Nobel Peace Prize winner !?  From the West supported all this?
 Is the issue for the global, usurious, despotic system, is the preservation of human rights !?  Led by "Aung San Shi" or is there something else?  And a different topic?
 Let us note the important things that happened after the military coup of the Myanmar army, including that "China" came out with a rigid statement that does not take the side of any party.
 Likewise, the current coup leader, Min Aung Hling, received Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu before the coup, as well as the Chinese Foreign Minister.
 And we must also know that the Russians ’relationship with the Myanmar army is not a new or urgent relationship or a passing event. Likewise, the relationship of Myanmar" the state "and" the army "with China has details that will make us read the event through the eye of Quranic acumen away from the satanic conspiracy.
 The Russians have privileged relations with the Myanmar army through their ongoing arms deals, as well as the military training of officers, a large part of whom are fluent in the Russian language.
 China and Russia also prevented the United Nations from moving or exploiting the right of veto with regard to the military coup in Myanmar.
 The importance of Myanmar is its presence within the surrounding geography in China, which is within its line of access to the Pacific Ocean in recent years, as China has concluded development deals, including plans to build a train line linking the territory of China in the west to the Indian Ocean, and an agreement to develop the Indian Ocean port to the center  Crowded shipping, and this is clearly the secret of the American interest in it since the era of former US President Barack Obama, and it is the era from which the issue of "transferring American imperial attention" to the Far East, meaning "China" and Russia, was launched, which was "messed up" during the era  Trump and it was reinstated after Biden's inauguration.

 From all this, we conclude the importance of what the US Secretary of State said at the time, "Hillary Clinton," when she described Myanmar as "part of a larger strategy" !?  Also, in order to know the reason for visiting Barack Obama, the former president of this country.

 In the details of the ruling regime and the nature of Myanmar's history, if it is to speak, there are two periods of rule, the first is purely military, spanning half a century, and then a democratic period of a liberal character that extended to ten years, which ceased with the current military coup.

 In order to think with our minds, we have to know that the "army institution", even during the ten-year period of democratic rule in Myanmar, this army had its representatives in Parliament. The question here is why this coup happened?  And the army itself has influence and hegemony under this democratic system. At the level of control, benefit and hegemony, the army is a participant and has "capacity" and "decision."
  What happened?  What happened?
 Let us note that the period of decan years of democratic rule in Myanmar, the influence of the United States of America increased within this country, and with the appearance of Biden in power, the army moved?
 Is it a "Chinese" "American" contradiction on the land of Myanmar?  Is it the employment of "tools" against "tools"?  Or is it a precautionary move by the army to stop any hostile move by the Biden administration?
 The American reaction to this coup "expelling its influence" in Myanmar is to move it to move the positions of its forces in Myanmar, and here we notice the movement of the "color revolution" as a reaction to the military coup, and the same classics of time revolutions that were being trained for US agents and spies were used.  American at the Albert Einstein Institute of Color Revolution founder Gene Sharp.
 And within the internal reality of Myanmar, there is a great possibility of employing many armed parties within an ethnic, religious, regional conflict that exists mainly there, which is an intertwined conflict on the land of Myanmar, and what if the United States of America decided to launch a proxy military war and employ armed militias against the current military authority associated with Chinese influence?
 In the Syrian Arab Republic, color revolutions were activated there, and when the state successfully absorbed them and did not find a popular extension that could bring down the state there, NATO and the Zionists armed their agents and spies from all over the world, so will we see a repeat of the Syrian scenario again in Myanmar?
 So there are many possibilities?  What will happen?  What will happen on the ground of Myanmar in the future?
 These are questions that need to be answered and we will be able to answer them if we know full details with the Chinese President "Xi Jinping", which was announced and which also lasted for two hours, according to media statements !?  These details and information need an intelligence apparatus and a professional espionage case that penetrates China or the United States of America and their institutions in order to provide us with details, information and texts of the phone conversation.
 This intelligence apparatus and that spy penetration is not available to the writer of these lines, of course, because knowledge and information are missing that if we knew and disclosed them, through them things will become clear and we can deduce and "reveal" what is expected to happen in the future.
 Unless one of the parties to the long telephone conversation decides to leak what was mentioned in it or publish what was decided in it?
 Did the American-Chinese consensus occur or the contradiction increased?  Are there understandings?  Were political trade-offs made in one geographical region of the world versus another region?
 I don't know.
 But what I have reached is that what happened in Myanmar is a stop in the polar struggle, which is an American imperial struggle against Chinese and Russian influence. What is the rapid movement after Biden’s inauguration is nothing but evidence, and let the official dates speak?  We have also made events, logic and reading of history reveal to us the chessboard of the "poles struggle" taking place in Myanmar, which is a first stage of upcoming stations.

 Dr..  Adel Rida
 Endocrinologist and diabetic doctor
 Kuwaiti writer on Arab and Islamic affairs

ميانمار ‏....المحطة الاولى ‏في صراع الاقطاب ‏

ميانمار.... المحطة الأولى في صراع الأقطاب

لا يوجد شي في السياسة يحدث بالصدفة، والانقلاب العسكري الذي حدث في ميانمار من المستحيل ان يكون حدث دون اعداد مسبق، وخصوصا انه هناك تغيير قبل قرابة الشهر في الرئاسة الامريكية والانقلاب الذي حدث في ميانمار لا يمكن ان يكون فجائي من دون اعداد مسبق، لذلك تحركات مثل هذه يجب دراستها وتحليلها وتقييمها لمعرفة ماذا يجرى؟ وما خلف اللعبة؟ وما بين السطور؟ من كلام ممحي!
ميانمار بلد يقع ضمن محيط الصين وتحرك الرئيس المنتخب الحالي بايدن استعجاليا وفي سرعة ملحوظة في بداية حكمه للاهتمام بهذا البلد !؟ ضمن صراع تريده "المنظومة الامريكية الحاكمة" و بايدن الرئيس الحالي هو "الابن المطيع لها" وهو ممثل عنها ومنتوج منها و معبر عما تريده تلك المنظومة , على العكس من الرئيس السابق ترامب الذي فرض نفسه على منظومة الحكم الامريكية الكلاسيكية, و الذي نظر الى التعامل مع الصين من زاويتين: الأولى اقتصادية بحتة و الزاوية الأخرى هي ضمن خطابه الدعائي العاطفي الذي يبحث عن شماعة لعدو يخلق المشاكل او سبب يتم القاء اللوم عليه, و لكن من هذه الزاوية و تلك و فأن المسألة عند ترامب انه لا يريد ان يكون "شرطي العالم" و كان ترامب في موقع "الشخصية القومية الامريكية" اذا صح التعبير بعيوبها ومزاياها من منظور امريكي بحت , و كان يريد التركيز على الداخل الأمريكي المتهالك والمتفكك , و نستطيع القول ان ترامب قد واجه الصين اقتصاديا و لكنه كان ضد التوسع الأمريكي !؟ الخارجي ويهتم بالداخل الامريكي ولم يدخل في أي حرب "مستمرة" طويلة وكذلك خلال فترته الرئاسية كانت الأمور غير طبيعية لأن وصوله الى الموقع الرئاسي منتوج رفض شعبي وغضب جماهيري على "منظومة الحكم الامريكية" وترامب كما ذكرنا بالأعلى هو خارج كلاسيكيات ما تنتجه منظومة الحكم من رؤساء وسياسيين، فاللوبي الصهيوني يتحكم بالحزبين وسيضع مصلحة الكيان الصهيوني قبل كل شيء، وبعد خروج ترامب من السلطة اتضح ان هناك عودة لما تريده المنظومة الحاكمة والتي تأخذ الإمبراطورية الامريكية الى الانهيار!؟

حصل في ميانمار "انقلاب عسكري" في بداية تولى الرئيس الحالي بايدن لموقعه الرئاسي ولنلاحظ تفجر الادانات الدولية المعتادة من حلف الناتو والتهديد بعقوبات دولية أوروبية شمال أمريكية وأسترالية !؟ ضد قادة الانقلاب و دعوات الى حظر دولي , ونفس هذه الدول التي هي ضمن خط النظام الطاغوتي الربوي العالمي هي نفسها من صمتت على قتل ديمقراطيات أخرى في مواقع مختلفة في العالم بالحاضر القريب و هي من سمحت في انقلاب عسكري هنا و هناك في الاستمرار في السلطة و قدمت لهم الاعتراف الدولي والمساعدات الاقتصادية و ابتعدت عن العقوبات او معاقبة شخصيات تلك الانقلابات المتنوعة , و هي نفس "شلة" الدول بقيادة الولايات المتحدة الامريكية التي صنعت انقلابات عسكرية في ايران العام 1953 ضد حكم مصدق الديمقراطي و تأمرت ضد حكم سلفادور اليندي الديمقراطي , و هي نفس "شلة" الدول التي دعمت  ديكتاتور اسبانيا "فرانكو" صاحب ثاني اكبر مقابر جماعية في تاريخ البشرية ويليه بالمرتبة "صدام حسين" الذي كان مدعوم في الثمانينات من بريطانيا و الولايات المتحدة الامريكية لضرب عصفورين بحجر واحد الأول هو ضرب الشعوب العربية القومية والثاني هي الجمهورية الإسلامية المقامة على ارض ايران , الى ان اختلف "صدام حسين" معهم واتت اكذوبة "أسلحة الدمار الشامل" كحجة لغزو العراق وتدميره كدولة ومجتمع وهذا ما حصل وتحقق.
هذه "الشلة" من الدول في خط النظام الطاغوتي الربوي العالمي ليست المسألة عندها هي ديمقراطية مفقودة او حقوق انسان سليبة او نضال رومانسي من اجل حرية!؟
فهؤلاء "الذئاب" لا يركضون عبثا بدون سبب ولا ينادون في الحرية والديمقراطية ألا لأن هناك شيء ما وراء السطور، ولأن هناك أشياء خلف الأعشاب الطويلة من أمور واحداث واهداف تخدم هذا النظام الطاغوتي الربوي العالمي و "شلة" دوله.
رئيسة وزراء ميانمار المقالة "اونغ سان شي" والتي تم إخراجها من مواقع السلطة بواسطة الجيش الميانماري، هي شخصية لها علاقة طويلة مع الغرب "الليبرالي"، وهي التي تم اعتبارها من هذا الغرب
 ك "ايقونة حقوق الانسان"!؟ هي نفسها من ايدت المذابح الجماعية ضد مسلمين الروهينجا وطردهم من ماينمار، وهي ذاتها من ساندت تصرفات الأجهزة الأمنية الميانمارية وممارسات القتل الجماعي والاغتصاب الجنسي للنساء وعمليات التطهير العرفي والقتل على الهوية الدينية، وممارسات التعذيب والقتل خارج نطاق الحكم القضائي، وهذا كذلك تم في عهد توليها المسئولية السياسية.

رئيسة الوزراء المقالة "اونغ سان شي" الحاصلة على جائزة نوبل للسلام !؟ من الغرب ايدت كل هذا؟ 
هل المسألة عند النظام الطاغوتي الربوي العالمي هي الحفاظ على حقوق الانسان !؟ بقيادة "اونغ سان شي" ام ان هناك امر اخر؟ وموضوع مختلف؟
لنلاحظ أمور مهمة حدثت بعد الانقلاب العسكري للجيش الميانماري ومنها ان "الصين" خرجت في تصريح جامد لا يأخذ جانب أي طرف.
وكذلك استقبال قائد الانقلاب الحالي "مين اونج هلينغ" لوزير الدفاع الروسي سيرغي شويغو قبل حدوث الانقلاب وكذلك استقبل وزير الخارجية الصيني.
وعلينا ان نعرف كذلك ان علاقة الروس مع الجيش الميانماري ليست علاقة جديدة او طارئة او حدث عابر، وكذلك علاقة ميانمار "الدولة" و "الجيش" مع الصين فيها تفاصيل، ستجعلنا نقرأ الحدث بواسطة عين النباهة القرأنية بعيدا عن الاستحمار الشيطاني.
الروس لديهم علاقات متميزة مع الجيش الميانماري من خلال صفقات السلاح المستمرة المتواصلة، وكذلك التدريب العسكري للضباط الذين جزء كبير منهم يتحدث اللغة الروسية بطلاقة.
والصين وروسيا كذلك منعا تحرك او استغلال الأمم المتحدة عبر حق الفيتو فيما يختص الانقلاب العسكري في ميانمار.
أهمية ميانمار هو وجودها ضمن الجغرافيا المحيطة في الصين، وهي ضمن خط وصولها الى المحيط الهادي في السنوات الأخيرة، حيث أبرمت الصين صفقات تطوير، بما في ذلك خطط لبناء خط قطار يربط أراضي الصين الواقعة غربًا إلى المحيط الهندي، واتفاقية تطوير ميناء المحيط الهندي إلى مركز شحن مزدحم، وهذا من الواضح هو سر الاهتمام الأمريكي بها منذ عهد الرئيس الأمريكي السابق باراك أوباما، وهو العهد الذي انطلقت منه مسألة "نقل الاهتمام الامبراطوري الأمريكي" الى الشرق الأقصى أي "الصين" وروسيا وهو الامر الذي تم "لخبطة" التحرك فيه في عهد ترامب و تمت إعادة العمل بها بعد تنصيب بايدن.

ومن هذا كله نستنتج أهمية ما قالته وزيرة الخارجية الامريكية آنذاك "هيلاري كلينتون"، حين وصفت ميانمار ك "جزء من استراتيجية أكبر"!؟ وكذلك لكي نعرف سبب زيارة باراك أوباما الرئيس السابق لهذا البلد.

في تفاصيل النظام الحاكم وطبيعة التاريخ الميانماري إذا صح التعبير هناك فترتين للحكم، الأولى عسكرية بحتة امتدت الى نصف قرن وبعدها فترة ديمقراطية ذات طابع ليبرالي امتدت الى عشرة سنوات توقفت مع الانقلاب العسكري الحالي.

ولكي نفكر بعقولنا علينا ان نعرف ان "مؤسسة الجيش" حتى في فترة الحكم الديمقراطي العشارية السنوات في ميانمار كان لهذا الجيش ممثليه في البرلمان، والسؤال المطروح هنا لماذا هذا الانقلاب حدث؟ والجيش نفسه لديه نفوذ وهيمنة في ظل هذا النظام الديمقراطي، فعلى مستوى السيطرة والاستفادة والهيمنة، فأن الجيش مشارك ولديه "قدرة" و "قرار"
 فماذا حدث؟ وماذا جرى؟
لنلاحظ ان فترة الحكم الديمقراطي العشاري السنوات في ميانمار، ازداد داخل هذا البلد نفوذ الولايات المتحدة الامريكية، ومع ظهور بايدن في السلطة جرى تحرك الجيش؟
هل هو تناقض" صيني" "امريكي" على ارض ميانمار؟ هل هو توظيف" أدوات" ضد "أدوات"؟ ام هو تحرك احترازي من قبل الجيش لوقف أي تحرك عدائي من إدارة بايدن؟
ردة الفعل الامريكية على هذا الانقلاب "الطارد لنفوذها" في ميانمار هو تحريك قيامها بتحريك مواقع قوتها المتواجدة داخل ميانمار، وهنا نلاحظ تحريك "ثورات الألوان color revolution كردة فعل على الانقلاب العسكري، وتم استخدام نفس كلاسيكيات ثورات الأوان التي كان يتم تدريبها لعملاء وجواسيس الولايات المتحدة الامريكية في معهد ألبرت اينشتاين التابع ل "جين شارب" المؤسس لثورات الألوان.
وضمن الواقع الداخلي الميانماري هناك إمكانية كبيرة لتوظيف أطراف كثيرة مسلحة ضمن صراع عرقي ديني مناطقي موجود بالأساس هناك، وهو صراع متداخل على ارض ميانمار، وماذا لو اذ قررت الولايات المتحدة الامريكية شن حرب عسكرية بالوكالة وتوظيف مليشيات مسلحة ضد السلطة العسكرية الحالية المرتبطة مع النفوذ الصيني؟ 
في الجمهورية العربية السورية تم تفعيل ثورات الألوان هناك وحين استوعبتها الدولة بنجاح ولم تجد لها امتداد شعبي يستطيع اسقاط الدولة هناك، قام حلف الناتو والصهاينة في تسليح عملائهم وجواسيسهم من كل انحاء العالم، فهل سنشاهد تكرار للسيناريو السوري مرة أخرى في ميانمار؟
اذن هناك احتمالات كثيرة؟ فماذا سيحدث؟ وماذا سيجري على ارض الواقع الميانماري في المستقبل؟
هذه أسئلة تحتاج الى إجابة وسنستطيع الإجابة عليها إذا عرفنا تفاصيل كاملة بادين مع الرئيس الصيني "شي جين بينغ" التي تم الإعلان عنها والتي أيضا استمرت لمدة ساعتين حسب تصريحات وسائل الاعلام !؟ وهذه التفاصيل والمعلومات تحتاج الى جهاز استخباراتي وحالة جاسوسية احترافية تخترق الصين او الولايات المتحدة الامريكية ومؤسساتهم لكي تزودنا في التفاصيل والمعلومات ونصوص المحادثة الهاتفية.
وهذا الجهاز الاستخباراتي وذاك الاختراق الجاسوسي ليس متوفر لدى كاتب هذه السطور بطبيعة الحال، فالمعرفة والمعلومات مفقودة التي ان عرفناها وكشفناها فمن خلالها ستتضح الأمور ونستطيع استنتاج و "كشف" عما هو متوقع ان يحدث في المستقبل.
الا إذا قرر أحد أطراف المحادثة التلفونية الطويلة تسريب ما جاء بها او نشر ما تقرر فيها؟
هل حدث توافق امريكي صيني او ازداد التناقض؟ هل جرت تفاهمات؟ هل تمت مقايضات سياسية في منطقة جغرافية في العالم مقابل منطقة أخرى؟ 
الإجابة لا اعرف.
ولكن ما وصلت اليه ان ما حدث في ميانمار هو محطة في صراع الأقطاب، وهو صراع امبراطوري امريكي ضد النفوذ الصيني والروسي، وما التحرك السريع بعد تنصيب بايدن الا دليل، ولندع التواريخ الرسمية تتحدث؟ كما جعلنا الاحداث والمنطق وقراءة التاريخ تكشف لنا رقعة شطرنج "صراع الأقطاب" الحاصل في ميانمار وهي محطة أولى من محطات قادمة.

د. عادل رضا
طبيب باطنية وغدد صماء وسكري
كاتب كويتي في الشئون العربية والاسلامية

الأحد، 14 فبراير 2021

الإمبراطورية ‏الساقطة ‏والاقطاب ‏القادمة ‏

الإمبراطورية الساقطة والأقطاب القادمة

هناك صراع لمنظومة قيم في الواقع العالمي على مستوى الكرة الأرضية عابر للقارات و لكنه يتميز على انه دليل على "انتقال امبراطوري قادم" من واقع امريكي قطبي واحد "كان مسيطر" الى واقع متعدد الأقطاب "سيسيطر" و هذا ضمن بدايات ظهور بوادر فشل مؤسسات الحكم الامريكية عن حل الخلافات الداخلية هناك و هذه المؤسسات المتأسسة من اتحاد اكثر من  خمسين مستوطنة "دولة" ضمن اتفاق دستوري قديم ,مضى عليه اكثر من مئتين سنة (200 سنة), و اضح ان ذلك الاتفاق "الدستوري القديم" و ذلك النظام اصبح خارج "قدرة الخدمة" لتحقيق ما يريده "الناس" الذين لا ينتمون ل "منظومة الحكم و السيطرة" والتي اتضح انها منفصلة عن واقع و حاجات "الناس" ولذلك انتقلت محاولات حل التناقضات الى الشارع خارج الاطار المؤسسي اذا صح التعبير.

وما اقتحام الكونغرس الأمريكي الا مؤشر على ان هناك "ازمة نظام" أصبح خارج نطاق الحاضر المعاش حاليا وغير قادر على التعبير على ما يريده الناس، ومن الطرف الاخر شاهدنا المظاهرات تجتاح اغلب المدن الامريكية من أصحاب الأصول الافريقية لإحساسهم بالعنصرية والاضطهاد , وان كان لا يزال يعبر عما تريده "منظومة الحكم والسيطرة" مع كل تشعباتها وتداخلاتها وارتباطاتها ومصالحها فهذه "المنظومة الحاكمة" هي "ديكتاتورية غير معلنة" في طريقها الى الانفجار ك "حرب أهلية داخلية" والحرب هنا هي تعبير اخر للوصول الى اتفاق جديد او طريقة جديدة لحل "التناقضات" ونقل رغبة "الناس" الى واقع التطبيق" بعيدا عن "الديكتاتورية الغير معلنة".
اذن النظام الامبراطوري الأمريكي في طريقه الى "فتيل تفجير ذاتي" معه ستسقط كل ذيولها الخارجية من انظمة حكم وكيانات وما يرتبط بها وظيفيا خارج حدودها وعبر القارات.
وهذا الكلام أهميته ليس انه نظرة تمني لكاتب من هنا او قراءة سياسية لمحلل من هناك او كتابات قومية عربية او ماركسية او إسلامية من هنالك!؟ فكل هذا الكلام عن "سقوط الإمبراطورية الأمريكية" هو كلام مكرر قبل أربعين سنة ويعاد سنويا؟ ولم يحدث ولكن على العكس رأينا سقوط الاتحاد السوفيتي وانهيار له؟! على العكس مما كان متوقعا ومما كان مكتوب ومنشور من هنا وهناك وهنالك.
فلنتذكر الخطاب الشهير للرئيس الروسي بوتين في مؤتمر ميونيخ للأمن سنة 2007 والذي كانت فيه اول مواجهة كلامية بين روسيا بعد سقوط الاتحاد السوفيتي وبين حلف الناتو بقيادة أمريكا حيث قال ان عالم القطب الواحد بزعامة أمريكا غير مقبول ومستحيل ان يستمر في عالمنا و أضاف أيضا ان في نهاية المطاف و جود سيد واحد للعالم سيلحق الضرر ليس فقط لمن يمكث داخل هذا النظام و لكن للنظام بأكمله" و عن الهيمنة العسكرية الامريكية علق بوتين انها ستلحق العالم اجمع الى الهاوية عبر صراعات ازلية و في نفس الخطاب و الذي يعتبر خارطة طريق للسياسة الخارجية الروسية تحدى بوتين الولايات المتحدة الامريكية "ان العالم احادي القطب الذي تم طرحه بعد الحرب الباردة لن يحدث" في إشارة واضحة ان روسيا و غيرها لن تقف و تتفرج على الهيمنة الامريكية.

ما الجديد اذن منذ ذلك الخطاب؟ وما هو المختلف؟
ان الجديد هو ان "الانهيار القادم" حقيقي وسيحدث، وهو كذلك مترقب ضمن رؤية امبراطوريات "صاعدة" وهذا ما قرأته السياسة الخارجية الصينية وما تتوقعه وما أيضا تعمل عليه "روسيا الاتحادية" وما درسته في مراكز تفكيرها البحثية، ونفس الرؤية موجودة عند الجمهورية الإسلامية المقامة على ارض إيران وصرح بذلك مرشد الثورة الإسلامية السيد على الخامنئي حيث قال: عصر ما بعد الولايات المتحدة الامريكية قد بدأ.
وهذا التصريح الاخير أهميته انه الجمهورية الإسلامية المقامة على ارض إيران في حركتها الدولية تعتمد كذلك على مراكز تفكير وتخطيط مؤسساتية وهنا نشاهد توافق مؤسسات تفكير وتخطيط روسية صينية إسلامية على نفس المنتوج النهائي ونفس المحصلة النهائية وهي سقوط امبراطورية أمريكا القائدة للنظام الطاغوتي الربوي العالمي.
اذن ما تريد قوله والتأكيد عليه: 
ان قراءة سقوط قادم للإمبراطورية الامريكية كنظام سياسي ونموذج يريد السيطرة حضاريا هي الان قراءة "دول" ودراسات حكومية، وهي قراءات ودراسات تتوافق ومنطقية مع ما يحدث على ارض الواقع الحالي.
طبعا الجدير في التأكيد عليه، ان اعمار الدول لا يتم قياسها كأعمار البشر، فاستدارة التغيير والطريق الى السقوط هو يعادل عشرة سنوات من عمر "سنة" من عمر الفرد، فالسنة الزمنية في عمر الدولة هي عشرة سنوات في زمن الحياة الفرد، لذلك التفكير الانفعالي الاستعجالي العاطفي التهيجي لا ينفع مع إدارة الازمات ولا مع قيادة الدولة ولا ضمن من يريد صناعة الامبراطوريات القادمة للسيادة على واقع الكرة الأرضية.
ضمن هذه القراءة لسقوط قادم تسارع حاليا مع ازمة وباء الكورونا وانكشاف الفشل الليبرالي لمنظومة الخدمة الاجتماعية والصحية والمعيشية للنظام الطاغوتي الربوي الصهيوني العالمي يأتي صراع الأقطاب الروسي الصيني الأمريكي وهنا سنركز على صراع روسي امريكي وهو يبدأ من "تحرش امريكي"
يقول الباحث الروسي ألكسندر نازاروف بهذا الخصوص:
"فمن الواضح للجميع في العالم أن الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية تغوص أعمق وأعمق في أزمات قاتلة بالنسبة لها، وتحتاج من أجل تأجيل لحظة الانهيار إلى تدمير منافسيها الرئيسيين: روسيا والصين. ويمكن للجميع رؤية حرب التدمير التي يقودها الغرب ضد روسيا، لأنها كانت أول من تحدى واشنطن، والجميع يعرف عن العقوبات. وهي حرب تستباح فيها جميع الوسائل، وحرب المعلومات التي تهدف إلى زعزعة الاستقرار الداخلي للعدو لا زالت هي الساحة الرئيسية للمعركة."
 من خلال إعادة استخدام الغرب بقيادة الولايات المتحدة الامريكية لمفاهيم "الحرية والديمقراطية وحقوق الانسان!؟" ضمن معارضة روسية "وهمية" ليس لها امتداد حقيقي وبدون وجود قاعدة جماهيرية على ارض الواقع من خلال توظيف شخصيات منفوخة إعلاميا خارج روسيا أكبر من واقعها الحقيقي في داخل ارض روسيا الاتحادية وهي معارضة وهمية بلا مشروع الا الانطلاق الإعلامي الخارجي الدعائي ضمن الفاظ "الحرية والديمقراطية وحقوق الانسان!؟" والقادم الجديد بهكذا تحركات هو خلق شخصيات معارضة وهمية خارج نطاق الضوابط الأخلاقية الفطرية الإنسانية الطبيعية.
دعائيا يقوم الاعلام الليبرالي التابع للنظام الطاغوتي الربوي العالمي في التركيز على تجمعات لألوف الروس في بلد واقعها مليوني" اكثر من مائة و أربعين مليون نسمة" و محاولة خلق صورة إعلامية لصناعة دعاية حماسية عاطفية يتم استخدامها في تحريك ثورات الألوان , فليلاحظ من يريد ان يفكر بعقله ان مظاهرات اقتحام الكونغرس الأمريكي اكبر في الاعداد و كذلك مظاهرات دعم السود و لكنها مظاهرات فاقدة للتوجيه الدعائي الموجه لها و كذلك الامر في مظهرات فرنسا للسترات الصفر و مظاهرات المانيا وهولندا والدانمارك المناهضة للأغلاق في زمن الكورونا كلها مظاهرات اعدادها اكبر و احجماها اضخم و لكن الكاميرا الدعائية غائبة و ليس هناك تحريك لثورات الوان.

طبعا الفاظ "الحرية والديمقراطية وحقوق الانسان!؟" يتم توظيفها دعائيا في الاعلام الغربي الليبرالي المرتبط في التمويل مع أجهزة الاستخبارات التابعة لحكومات النظام الطاغوتي الربوي العالمي الذي يصدر توجيهات وأوامر لهكذا اعلام ينادي في "الحرية والديمقراطية وحقوق الانسان!؟" كألفاظ دعائية صوتية ولكن ما يريده النظام الطاغوتي الربوي العالمي وحكوماته هو نشر "منظومة القيم الطاغوتية الغربية" وهي بالواقع بلا قيم وصلت حاليا الى مرحلة الرفض الشامل والقرف والسقوط الأخلاقي العميق وخاصة بما يتعلق في نشر الشذوذ الجنسي والانحرافات السلوكية ورفض الهوية الدينية والعرقية التي يتم ربطها مع "منظومة القيم الطاغوتية الغربية" عبر نشر الفكر الليبرالي وهي غير مقبولة في المجتمعات الصينية او الروسية وتلك الأخيرة واقصد المجتمعات الروسية لا تزال مرتبطة روحيا وحركيا مع الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية ضمن الواقع الروسي.
هناك "وهم" موجود عند "النظام الطاغوتي الربوي العالمي" ان هناك "شعبية" لنموذجهم!؟ وهناك غياب "إدراك" لديهم ان في العالم وعلى الكرة الأرضية نماذج حضارية أخرى وهذه النماذج لديها تاريخ وعمق وأفكار وموروثات دينية.
يقول ألكسندر دوغان في كتابه "بوتين يواجه بوتين" التالي:
"يجب علينا ان نلاحظ وان نتبه ان كلمة "الليبرالية" و" الرأسمالية" نادرا ما يتم استخداما في السياسة الروسية المعاصرة."
"إذا اكتشف الروس المعنى الحقيقي للليبرالية كما يتم الترويج لها في نظريات فرديك حايك او ايان راند فأن الروس سوف يفقدون صوابهم بعد ان يكتشفوا ان الليبرالية تعارض مفهوم الدولة، والامة والكنيسة والايمان الأرثوذكسي، والجماعية، وبالمحصلة النهائية الديمقراطية نفسها"
"الليبرالية هي منتوج غربي لذلك هي غير مقبولة لدى الروس"
يقول مايكل ماكفاول، السفير الأميركي السابق لدى موسكو في مقال له لمجلة الفورين افيرز:
" ينتقد بوتين الولايات المتحدة لدعمها ما يُعرف بالثورات الملونة سواء في صربيا أو جورجيا أو أوكرانيا أو الشرق الأوسط خلال الربيع العربي. ومن أجل مواجهة ما وصفه بالانحلال الليبرالي الغربي، ينشر بوتين تعريفه الخاص للمسيحية وقيم الأسرة المحافظة التي يؤكد أنها محورية بالنسبة للهوية الروسية وللحركات المحافظة المتنامية في أرجاء العالم. وعلى الرغم من أن بوتين أقل ديماغوجية من الشعوبيين الآخرين، فإنه يتبنّى جزءا من خطابهم ومنهجهم، مُقسِّما كل المجتمعات بما فيها المجتمع الروسي إلى شعب "حقيقي" ونخبة مستغِلَّة، ناهيك بأن بوتين نفسه يرتبط بعمق بالنخبة الاقتصادية الروسية الحاكمة."
"ان بوتين قائد إصلاحي تجديدي أكثر بكثير من نظيره الصيني، فهو يرى أنه في حالة حرب مع الولايات المتحدة، وحلفائها، والمؤسسات متعددة الأطراف التي دشّنتها واشنطن. لم يعد بوتين يرغب في التعاون مع الغرب أو حتى يرغب في مكانة مقدرة في النظام الليبرالي العالمي، وبدلا من ذلك فإنه يسعى لتدمير هذا النظام الذي تقوده الولايات المتحدة."
 الواقع العربي سيكون متأثرا وسيكون متغيرا مع الانتقال الإمبراطوري الجديد بعد السقوط الأمريكي والواقع الروسي سيكون مؤثرا ولإمبراطورية الصينية ستكون عامل "تغيير سياسي انقلابي" وخاصة انها تعتمد على ركائز رباعية تشمل تركيا (الحلقة الأضعف في حلف الناتو) والاقليم الجنوبي للجمهورية العربية المتحدة "مصر" وباكستان والجمهورية الإسلامية المقامة على أرض إيران. 
كيف سيواجه العرب هذا الانقلاب التغييري السياسي الذي سيتم انتاجه كمنتوج الصعود الامبراطوري الصيني؟ وعودة روسيا لمكانتها الطبيعية؟ هل ستختفي دول وسيتم انشاء اخرى؟ هل ستتحد دول وسيتم تقسيم اخرى؟ 
الإجابة لا اعرف 
ولكن ما اعرفه هو ان الكيان السرطاني الاستعماري العنصري الموجود على ارض دولة فلسطين المحتلة سينتهي مع نهاية الإمبراطورية الأمريكية فهذا الكيان الصهيوني ليس حالة حضارية لها علاقة في المنطقة العربية ولا في جغرافيتها وهو وجود مؤقت سينتهي مع هكذا صعود امبراطوري صيني او روسي. 

د. عادل رضا
طبيب باطنية وغدد صماء وسكري
كاتب كويتي في الشئون العربية والاسلامية